whats the blade thing on the deagle looking gun for?
+100% melee damage?
i would imagine it needs to stick out in front of the barrel for that, like a bayonet
its like fighting with a pen knife as it is
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I like the sniper but it would be more of a candy for my eyes if it was bolt action 9/10 will probably be my rating when you are done with the 3d too and the scope looks like an acog
The last one (sniper?) would not be able to fire very far. The length from the chamber to the tip of the barrel is way too short. Also I am pretty sure there isn't enough room for the thumb on your trigger hand. (same thing with the shotgun)
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
whats the blade thing on the deagle looking gun for?
+100% melee damage?
i would imagine it needs to stick out in front of the barrel for that, like a bayonet
its like fighting with a pen knife as it is

Where do you see a knife?
yeah the pistol got some problems in
i was bored so i kinda did a bit adjustments
first i moved to base of the gun up, if you search pistol in google, you can see that there are mostly nothing in front of the trigger
second i added a front aim, the black bit
and the back aim, i also moved the back aim further back,
if you dont know what i mean ask, or you're not sure what i changed, also ask
the edit is a bit rough tho