Hi, I made a split-cap knee thing
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~magical duck.rpl (116.0 KB, 75 views)
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cnc is an endangered resource
Loved the movements, but the Floppy neck bothered me :c
I believe you could have easily gotten a boom, but eh. I guess the decap added character.
You flowed into the pose pretty well, but then you sink like a mammoth in tar :c
Overall, pcool replay c:
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Wow, I can't follow through with a madman for crap.
Attached Files
~I can't madman for crap.rpl (201.8 KB, 50 views)
~Twice as charitable .rpl (161.2 KB, 48 views)
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
These replays are actually all very good, like 10/10 would bang.
Someone should make a video out of your replays.
father of philip scone
I just made a really powerful splitcap
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~SOOO POWERFUL BBY.rpl (144.9 KB, 59 views)
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
jclark, that was sexy as f*ck. Normal opener w/ two powerful kicks that just went through uke like a hot knife through butter (but instead of being smooth, it was brutal). Not much to say but that. Good job!
would have liked more if you did an extra spin before the double core, it just seemed like you didnt use the opener to its full potential
the hits are really good, theyre well aimed and while they are not that solid they dont look clunky either. nice one
the left knee on the transition to the decap could have been held instead of extended, it would have looked a lot more elegant
oh yeah
Thanks, I normally wouldn't post this because it doesn't seem up to my standards but it is my first double core so. meh
I'll try to get one more person to cnc before I post a new replay
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource

Give and thy shall receive.

So yeah, the opener was pretty slow, but sufficient nonetheless. Kick was great,but after that you contracted your abs way to much giving you a scrunched up look. The slow transition from that ruined the replay for me. Decap was great although you could have transitioned to pose way better.
What is this
opener for a collab with pr1
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trip combo.rpl (117.4 KB, 36 views)
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource