Finished! Sent preview to Voljnij777!
My signature is my signature. This period is a period. There are three periods because there are three periods.
Originally Posted by Zwift View Post
Heres what I made!

not evil enough and the eyes are too wide but good work and if you can do red eyes and the green stick is too long its need to fit in the green area
Originally Posted by Sasoto View Post
Finished! Sent preview to Voljnij777!

well send it to me its my thread
Last edited by xTikvax; Sep 23, 2015 at 10:53 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Wanna pumpkin?
on it


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
Originally Posted by Zwift View Post
Here ya go! I made it red, and fixed the stem part to be smaller

looks awesome can you please wear it on yourself so i will see how it looks on the tori? i will wait till chintu will finish the head and if you do better you get the tc
Last edited by xTikvax; Sep 23, 2015 at 01:14 PM. Reason: nvm you did
Wanna pumpkin?
Wip 1:


Wip 2:


Last edited by Bad80; Sep 23, 2015 at 05:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
-My DeviantArt-
Originally Posted by Bad80 View Post
Wip 1:


Wip 2:


this is awesome but where is the leaves and red eyes looks more evil
Wanna pumpkin?
Originally Posted by Bad80 View Post
Wip 3:Almost done :3
Wanna add some detail like fire and suggestion?


hmm fire it would be awesome i think and btw can you like show the texture on your head ? like in the second wip
Wanna pumpkin?