Most of the users online on that day were spambots spamming the forum (at least that is what i have heared
Well whatever the case, Toribash has much under-utilized potential.

Before anyone says "You're just a regular guy, you know nothing."

While I am indeed just a regular guy it doesn't take a genius to recognize under-utilized potential.

Perhaps Nabi is doing the best they can. Props to them.

That still doesn't mean Tbash couldn't be a mainstream game such as DOTA 2 or League of Legends.
Originally Posted by Kyros117 View Post
That still doesn't mean Tbash couldn't be a mainstream game such as DOTA 2 or League of Legends.

Yes it does.
The gaming industry is all about the current prefferences of the public.
Toribash is an indiegame that will never reach the "mainstream" prefference, because of its "unique" gameplay.

+ The community would not allow it.

Remember when Tb released on steam?
The Community went nutts, 70% atleast hated it, because of what i just said, we dont like "outsiders" or "new players" if you will.

If toribash wants to go mainstream, the community would have to die out, for then to be rebooted with a publishing deal of some sort.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

I guess it's been a while since anyone posted anything here. (Myself also not adhering to the "post once a week" rule) But If I want to be part of the clan, I need to do just that. So, might as well get a conversation going. Somethings I would like to discuss:

The clan isn't official yet and I'd like to donate to the clan to make it official. However there isn't a clan bank yet.

I don't know if there is already a war team but I'd like to know how to be part of it. I'm currently the level of Centurion but I'm not sure what that actually means. All I can understand is that I'm above Decanus and below Legate, that's it.

I have no idea what a clan event is (never been in one) But it sounds like it'll be good for the lower ranks to improve. (I'm guessing a clan event is like sparring or training or something. I have no idea.)

I don't know if this is something other clans do but I always appreciate any form of advice and assistance. Also I'm always more than happy to help out inexperienced players get use to their Tori.

Well, that's all I'd like to discuss. You don't have to address ALL the issues. I'm just trying to start a conversation to get things going.
Ello mates. Just wanted to be known.
Originally Posted by Kyros117 View Post
Yeah. The previous owner didn't have enough time to run it so I stepped in

I'm doing my best to make us as good as we can be!

If you have any suggestions feel free to give input

Also, I have reset the rankings of everyone. As you doodz become active again I will bump you from AWOL to Decanus.

Rank ups will come based on general clan interaction and level of dedication shown.

It's funny how nobody even once mentioned how I was the owner for a few months after Roukan because Roukan didnt want to play anymore, so he had given it up to me. Can you at least mention me in the lore, please. I'm the one who decided you should head the clan after i got bored with the game.