Thanks for the very nice comments so far, but does anyone have any constructive critism? Something that I can improve on?

Oh and Good Night.
Sup lempika.Actually,the only thing i hated in your comp entries,something that you did not notice,the interactions.What i mean is,the tori doesn't interact with it's enviroment.When the place is dark,the tori should be too.And when there is a light source,make some lighting effects on the tori.But in your pics,the tori was like untouched after cropping.Add some effects to make the picture more realistic.Like the tori is reallt standing there.I hope this helps.GL with everything else.
ohohohhoh veeerrrryyy niiiiceeee maybe try to do it in front of the cam with an eye as this and one opened,like moop head's expression

I luv it soo muhc that I've put it as avatar lol
Last edited by kingdrake; Jun 14, 2009 at 11:31 AM.
Looks nice, but I spot some quality loss. I think this is caused by the .jpg format you're using. Use .png instead, as it's lossless (huge, though). When that's done, I can comment more on the details and quality. The head there looks neat, by the way.