u must continue 2 draw n get better, its a clear talent here. drawings that size should be worked on 4 quite a while, and made into finished products (that way u learn the most of ure efforts)
4 drilling urself in details like hands, its a good tec 2 draw smaller faster 1s, deside 2 draw (f exmpl) hands, take a nwspaper, n draw 1small set out of the hands frome eatch side, by the end u wil hawe filled ure sheet wt hands n ure head wt their images aswell. ure menntal picture of wt u try 2 draw makes the limits of ure posible result.

[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
thanks for telling me all that. helpful.

btw, when i drew it it was on a4. now it's just gone the size of fuxing london for some reason.
i had to do something like that for school one time, mine turned ou pretty damn good you did really good too
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