Guys, you clearly didn't read D=

I know what it is...But at what point is it normal? >.<

Before the pop, or after?

As when i yawn it pops and I hear better, but when I hold my nose and take a breath it reverses, and my hearing goes -20%


Originally Posted by Gum View Post
The popping is just your ears equalizing their internal pressure to the outside pressure.

So basically that is when they are normal? After the pop?

No wonder people call me deaf, I've always though it was normal when they hadn't popped....
Last edited by Fenris; Apr 6, 2012 at 09:26 AM.
I get this all the time when ascending and descending in airplanes. I really hate the feeling. But I found some ways around it.
What I do is, I block my ears and yawn. It equalizes the pressure but blocking the ears somehow stops the popping feeling.

I also tried out a product called earPlanes. Got them at my local Chemist. They work quite well too.

But yea, 'tis normal. Nothing to worry about.
I've done the same thing my bro Solax over there does, and guess what, it works.

Anyway, when I go swimming sometime, and then I go deep down into the dark waters of the pool, my ears always pop. I go deaf for like 10 minutes. First time I experienced that, I was like, oh no, I'm deaf forever. XD But anyway, if the popping starts to hurt a bit, don't hesitate to see a doctor. ;)
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