No. When I was a teenager (2011-2016) I used to trade a lot and made $ by selling TC. This helped my buy an iPhone, an iPad and later a Samsung Galaxy S7 which I would have had to ask my parents money for otherwise. It also helped me improve social skills, math and ultimately train my marketing skills which I use now for my IT business. Now I sometimes trade for fun, but I am too busy to actually maintain a thread, I only check the automated market which is very well implemented.
Last edited by Chirox; Jul 18, 2024 at 09:15 PM.
I discovered this game when i was a young teenager (i think 11 years old nearly 12) and it was a game that gave me a lot of fun for that time and for years to come and also a game that taught me a lot of things that even today i use in my life. I met one of my best friends right here on this forum (luckly we are also from the same country, a country that i could tell all the players that play toribash on my hand fingers) and i will forever be grateful for that. I can't imagine what my life would've been if i didn't meet him. Also when we talk about useful skills that this community taught me, it taught me to better socialize (ik it sounds cliche when we talk about socializing on the internet), taught me skills like marketing (to some extent), taught me how to trade (again to some extent), taught me things like how to do a free form application (trust me doing an app, also in free form at like 13-14 is something else), taught me from a young age the risks of gambling or even the idea of big risk big reward, small risk small reward from dueling. Taught me that if we want to work as a society we need to follow rules, but sometimes rules are meant to be broken. It taught me teamwork can get you a lot further. (og Fight Club clan was at its peak i think nr 1 in clan rankings and at some point i became their leader that lead them to hold onto that spot, still proud of that)

I could go on and on, but i don't think i will ever consider my time spent in this community and game (just made 11 years yesterday since i joined this community) wasted. It's like a lot of people say about other good things in their lives, it's the memories and things we learned along the way.
I met my wife on toribash
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Almost 16 year of evil overlording, I wouldn't call it wasted time

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Link View Post
Does anyone here regret the absurd amount of time they spent on toribash and why? Or not? I mean this whole heartedly. I reflect on my time spent in competitive games and in the toribash community, and I don't think it was worth it in the end. There were some good things and some bad things, but ultimately, I feel like I could've spent my time doing other things. I gave a lot here, and threw a lot away here. I learned how to type English fairly well, but I threw away a lot of time. When I look at the community now, I have some positive feelings, but a lot of cringe feelings. I can say that I am not necessarily proud of what toribash has become over the last bunch of years.

I will say, the friends that I met and the good times that I spent were leagues above most. I appreciate what I was able to gather, even if I don't think it was the best time spent.

i regret the 1 day i spent cleaning up offtopic after your kiddy temper tantrum

~ i am forever glad that i missed that whole thing while sleeping ~ icky
Last edited by Icky; Jul 21, 2024 at 12:08 PM.
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
Toribash has profoundly influenced my perspective on nearly every aspect of life, and I am eternally grateful for that. On a larger scale, time is wasted no matter what you do. The key is whether you enjoyed the moment. Everything, including ourselves, will eventually come to an end. So, it's important to savor the moments as they are and not stress over the emotions and critical thinking applied to your memories when reflecting on your life.

i can see physics thanks to toribash, idk how to explain it but with bmx/skateboarding i can see what i need to do to perform tricks the same way i feel/see how to move my tori. im able to slow it down and go frame by frame in my head and it makes learning/perfoming tricks alot easier imo.

so many mental traits and processes that ive developed from playing toribash have helped me in so many ways its enough to keep me here forever

toribash isnt so much a game to me as it is a discipline i practice. same as action sports/martial arts/sports/etc

It's fascinating to hear how this video game has translated into real life sports for your. I'd love to hear more about the thought process and how this translation happens when you're doing what you're doing.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
Originally Posted by list View Post
It's fascinating to hear how this video game has translated into real life sports for your. I'd love to hear more about the thought process and how this translation happens when you're doing what you're doing.

im pretty sure its called proprioception(ie spatial awareness) but i can ... restart the replay of the trick in my head im trying to do and emulate the physics involved and i can skip around and analyze how i want something to look/ what needs to be done to do the trick. its not some magic bs or anything, i still have to actually perform the tricks and that takes time and effort just like anything else. but i have a very very very strong/accurate visualization of how things are supposed to move, and it doesnt translate to just bikes or whatever it could be the arc of a basketball from a certain distance, i can see clear as day the arc the ball should take to swish into the net, can i actually throw the ball properly, sometimes xd

on a side note, while i might not be the best at controlling my body in the way i visualize, my friends are, i can ramble about how they should move to perform tricks and work on how to make it look better and explaining it in ways they can understand(the explaining part is a big L sometimes) and theyve learned alot more and do way cooler stuff than i can now.

i recently picked up skateboarding, it took me 5 tries to land my first ollie and 3 after that to land my first popshuv(backside)
it took about 10 tries to get kickflips to rotate but its been over 100 attempts and i havent landed one yet, i got both feet on the board once but i fell off instantly so i didnt really land balanced. i can throw hardflips every time since i was trying shuvs but i have no idea how to get my body to catch em

my other friend with a scooter/skating background learned 360s within his first 2 days of farting around in a parking lot for a few mins on my bike, he landed hopbarspins within like 5 tries or something after a long time of pullupbars, its been 6 years of me doing pullup bars and ive never gotten myself to commit, but did take alot of explaining how the bike moves and what they are supposed to feel and it just... works for them
Last edited by Kirito; Jul 21, 2024 at 07:08 PM.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.

jkk ilya <3333
no regrets ^^
Last edited by EPOCH; Jul 21, 2024 at 07:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump