Bid: 10K but one question can u change the legs a bit to match the rest? no wait um just like merge them a bit or somin. yet another thing... wasnt this the head that you used for sashall's comp?
Last edited by Yourface; Jun 19, 2008 at 03:44 AM.
sashalls comp?
no i never was making a texture for sashall
If i had some tribal things to the legs will you autobuy?
or bid higher if you like it?
the god
also could you possibly try to improve this head?
yes i know a bit much too ask but i was just wondering. I couldnt get it all the way around
i have to think... i'll buy it for at least 13.5K i mean i'm saving up right now cause my booster's gonna be up soon.
EDIT: nah 15K+
Last edited by Yourface; Jun 19, 2008 at 05:38 AM.