Re: Computer Restart
Defragging and hoping that it works.My computer is apparently more splintered than a woodchuck's teeth.

-=Edit=- Defrag not seeming to work.Not sure what the problem could be.
Re: Computer Restart
Defrag often doesn't work, could i get a screenie(screenshot, just press Printscreen/prntscrn, paste in paint, save as jpeg, upload to of the analysis?

And try this:

Start -> run -> cmd -> press enter -> chkdsk X: /f (replace X with the drive you have installed Toribash on)
tell me the results.

Do NOT stop the process even though it says deleting X Y Z stuff, you just need to back the most important stuff up, in worst case your HD is corrupted and causing it.
What what? In the butt.
Re: Computer Restart
Originally Posted by Groek
Every time i try to start the game my computer restarts.I have the latest drivers and it doesn't say anything in the logs.OS is Windows XP and i'm running on a GeForce4 MX 440.Crappy,i know,but i think it should run this game

Hows your power supply?
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Computer Restart
Originally Posted by Groek

7.AVG and Norton.Got two for insurance.

You know, two antivirus programs working at the same time are not allways "insurance". Iv seen it happen, when two anti-virus programs working at same time start bugging eachother (very complicated stuff, not in mood of explaining). So i would recoment: First of all use only one anti-virus program at a time. U may ofcourse use them both for deepchecking the hard-dirve for viruses, but dont run them at the same time. It also takes alot of "memory" to run them both at same time.

One of the most long posts ever made by me.
Your truly, P. Etheryte
Re: Computer Restart
The best software virus scanner out there is Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The best software firewall is Kaspersky Internet Security.
Seriously, get rid of everything else and try them out - you will fall in love.

The reason I asked about the powersupply is, that sometimes they wear out and the fan may break.
Now, if your computer gets over a certain temperature, it will just restart out of the blue.
Using word, or talking on MSN, or even browsing the internet wont do much, but as soon as you load a game the computer starts to work a bit more, and may overheat.

I suggest looking at the power supply, making sure its going fine and your computer is getting enough power OR reformat.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Computer Restart
The best antivirus and firewall are not connecting to the internet, removing your USB ports, network ports, CD-Rom drive, Floppy disk, Infrared.
basically, anything that allows you to connect to another machine.

Also, your PC will run faster like this as it does not have to spend time asking the USB if something has been attached, etc and no time with a firewall or antivirus.

BUT, of course, this is completely useless, so no one in their right mind does it! If you know what you are doing, you can run a computer without any problems with no antivirus or firewall (I run without a firewall) - but there are not that many people who are competent enough to do this!
I has a flavour
Re: Computer Restart
I've always ran without firewall and still continue to do so, 13 years and counting without firewall, mneh :P

Those who claim that windows can't be let to internets without firewall are dead wrong ;)
What what? In the butt.
Re: Computer Restart
since this game is known to hammer your CPU, and have alot of memory usage that i have found, it very well may be taht your computer is overheating and restarting, or the sudden hammer to the CPU and the memory is sucking too much out of the Power supply. the heat problem may be solved simpley by opening your case outside after unplugging everything and cleaning out the wadds of dust taht are in there. if you orderd your comp from Dell or somthing like that then contact them, if you built it yourself, go out and see if there are any remotely newer Powersupplys out that you can afford..