Right, silly question but, how does one drive forwards?
My Head Texture ShopMember of the Musicians Organization, The TB Audition Org and the TMJ
um... just turn the wrist/ankles contract or extend

yah, so its a nice mod, but i like doubledagr toridragster better.

still keep up the good work 8D
- its been a while
Bork is noticing there was already a Mod like this, but this Race Cars.
Bork seems to be too lazy to find it. Good luck, Looks fine.
Okay, so I might release another version with the axle joints also able to turn to allow greater speed control.

But that's not happening any time soon, because I'm working on something else ubercool. (well, in my opinion.)

@cocobeaqn: Driving with the back wheels relaxed for at least 30ish frames can prevent that. But yeah, it's a pain in the ass and is probably fixable. But I haven't touched this in a while, so I dunno.
@blkk: Mmkay. I like this better, but I'm conceited, so, yeah.
side by side

I think the mod would have to be changed for uke or tori to be reversed, otherwise they go in opposite directions.. I could be wrong idk; things I noticed: "/set er 90" will make the cars side by side but facing opposite directions, "/set engageplayerpos 0,1.5,0,0,-1.5,0 [combined with] /set engageplayerrot 0,0,90,0,0,-90" the cars will attempt to turn facing the same direction but start out disarranged so that they just break upon start.. you could always race with uke going backwards lol.
/set gr 0 0 -30

Version two:
The rest of the arm/leg joints are enabled with varying speeds to allow for greater speed control. Also, the chest turns more slowly.

There are four joints controlling each wheel. This allows for 2^4 - 1, (2 to the 4th power minus 1) or 15, possible speeds. (this excludes stopped)

If you understand binary, this should be easier to understand.

The innermost joint (pec/glute) is velocity 4.
The second joint (shoulder/hip) is velocity 8.
The third joint (elbow/knee) is velocity 16.
The outermost joint (wrist/ankle) is velocity 32.

The slowest speed other than stopped (hold all) or neutral (relax wrists/ankles, hold everything else) is moving just the innermost joint, and holding everything else. (velocity 4) You can express this with binary - 0001.

To go four velocity units, or one speed, faster, use just the second joint. (velocity In binary, this would be 0010.

For velocity 12, use the two innermost joints. (4 + 8 = 12) 0011.

And so on:
Third joint / 16 / 0100.
Third and innermost joints / 16 + 4 = 20 / 0101.
Third and second / 16 + 8 = 24 / 0110.
Third, second, and innermost / 16 + 8 + 4 = 28 / 0111.
Outermost / 32 / 1000.
Outermost and innermost / 32 + 4 = 36 / 1001.
Outermost and second / 32 + 8 = 40 / 1010.
Outermost, second, and innermost / 32 + 8 + 4 = 44 / 1011.
Outermost and third / 32 + 16 = 48 / 1100.
Outermost, third, and innermost / 32 + 16 + 4 = 52 / 1101.
Outermost, third, and second / 32 + 16 + 8 = 56 / 1110.
All / 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 = 60 / 1111.

Though if you want to be mathematically correct, you'll have to use ternary, because you can hold, contract, or extend joints. But you probably don't care.

There are two files attached: car2_race.tbm is side-by-side (note that Uke is very slightly forward) and car2_fight.tbm is facing each other, like the original.
Last edited by cuckooman4; Jan 25, 2009 at 12:47 AM.

ok thats a great idea but i still can give some suggestions:

make everything except the wheels and car body weight. the stuff on the bottom as less as possible becuase it sags when you raise the gravity.

wheels have 90% of mass of total car. with front wheels more than back wheels. the car body in total must be less than 10%

make hands be able to change sises. make all body parts ungrabbable.

can you increase friction of car wheels?
can you make a track?
we allready discussed this in doubledagr's toridragster mod, you should go their to check it out.

it'd be cool if you had a track and some parts of it were normal friction and some where like slipperly so you could drift.
Last edited by blkk; Jan 25, 2009 at 01:16 AM.
- its been a while