um... is it just me or does that look like engraze's textures, colour changed and then uploaded onto different parts of the body?

Originally Posted by athrax View Post
um... is it just me or does that look like engraze's textures, colour changed and then uploaded onto different parts of the body?

well i did get the idea from his but otherwise i just drew lines
Originally Posted by Tonza View Post
i cant see any rainbow??

its rainbow coz it has all colours and it goes in rainbow order
Originally Posted by Spinos View Post
its rainbow coz it has all colours and it goes in rainbow order

it's called spectre(spelling?) not rainbow
Originally Posted by edgarol View Post
it's called spectre(spelling?) not rainbow

wtf r u on. its called rainbow not spectre
dude no i bought a head but i didnt have a texture before i bout it and now i can make mine own heads but its ok i wont buy it