Oh ho, looks like that sexy Jebus fella knows how to make replays eh?
We just have to add some frames and ass whopping.
We gotta do this more often though. This whole replay business isn't quite as boring as I thought.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
Originally Posted by dagreja View Post
I like it. It all flowed smoothly but then there is that big open space where you have to fall back down to uke. Maybe if when you do the decap, you grab to his upper body and try to get a boom with it to take up the free space you got there. Other than that, it was really nice. 8/10


Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
Oh ho, looks like that sexy Jebus fella knows how to make replays eh?
We just have to add some frames and ass whopping.
We gotta do this more often though. This whole replay business isn't quite as boring as I thought.

Yea, I added some stuff now, out of frames and such, going to add some tomorrow and you can do the pose and whatnot.
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#Colab_Jebus2.rpl (160.3 KB, 16 views)
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Really nice opener.
Pretty good fluid until the boom.
After that there was alot of stiffness :/
But I sure like the DM's and the boom.
Really nice replay, good job.


Go and comment on my replay thread. Thats what we do, if I comment on yours, you must comment on mine, then I'll comment on your etc...
I Hate My Life - Hours
It looks really good right now. Until you kick the legs and then it looks like you just pressed c. Find a good pose. And itd look extremely sexy with a skeet in there. Good job on getting those arms in the air and kicking them though. 8/10
Originally Posted by ExtHours View Post
After that there was alot of stiffness :/

Yea true, I tried to be more fluid, but without being that stiff I kinda lost contact with the ground and wasn't able to get into position as fast.

Originally Posted by dagreja View Post
It looks really good right now. Until you kick the legs and then it looks like you just pressed c.

I pressed R actually. Not done etc.

Also yea, was thinking of adding a skeet, but aiming the whole thing was never my speciality. I will talk to Jebus tomorrow and we'll come up with something.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Yeah i dont claim on being any good at skeets. I can hit them just fine but i cant get it to DM. But if you do end up doing a skeet, i think itd be nice to either hit the arm that is lying there or if you didnt hit the lumbar quite so far you could try to DM it. Or hell, you could even hit the lumbar from that far away. It would be hard to DM it though because all its momentum is already going in that direction.
Will most likely attempt to hit the torso/lumbar region.

Now a word from our clan's C and C guy.

you know him

you love him

he is

the one

the only


[21:44] <Spartan094> man that open is neat
[21:45] <Spartan094> and the two hits; GENIOUS
[21:45] <Spartan094> then you got the spinny da spin
[21:45] <Spartan094> with the kick-em-when-they're-down kickidy kick
[21:46] <Spartan094> ending with the praying-mantis-straigt-arm-field-goal-is-good landing ofc
[21:46] <Spartan094> 1/10
[21:47] <Spartan094> well
[21:47] <Spartan094> it was a 1.4/10
[21:47] <Spartan094> but i had to round down
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do