belt: blue ( 327) this is my new account but i don't use my old acc (darkerharder) anymore
best mods:ABD, xspar, parkour, tk, running/f, swfixed
worst mods: jousting. wushu. mushu...
why you want to be in jinxe: co im currently not in any clan so i choose jinxe to start my adventure
game activity: (1-10)8
forum activity: (1-10)9
skill level: (1-10) depend on the mod -xspar 8.5
-parkour 7
-abd 7/8
-tk 6
Do you no someone in jinxe, so list
who: no one atm
-"i know everything on your mind"
-"try hiding something to me"
belt: brown belt
best mods: twinsword4fixed,mushu, taekkyon, acrojoust
worst mods: spar, parkour,
why you want to be in jinxe: i want to be in a clan
game activity: (1-10) 7
forum activity: (1-10) 3
skill level: (1-10) 6
hey guys I'm applying on Tarlan's behalf. I think he'd enjoy being in this clan.

belt: Custom belt
best mods: lenshu
worst mods: no idea
why you want to be in jinxe: the name is nice
game activity: 5
forum activity: 7
skill level: 8
Do you no someone in jinxe, so list who: probably Nut3llaNinja