The way you started running looked a little weird imo, but the whole replay really flowed in together really well. Keep going on replays man. I like your style 8/10
Not bad, you looked a tad stiff though. I liked that last flip. It looked fluid and you managed to stand up without using your arms to push off the ground. I see great potential in you. Keep it up and you're going to go far man!
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
yeah i agree with tempo but i know that stiff is kinda your style so i'll let it go you just have to be able to maneuver with it smoothly but in time in time =].....on the mean time i would like to say that you keep practicing and you will definitely go far i can already see it in your replays keep it up quite keep it up

wanna spar? pm me =]
thnx for all the comments guys really appreciate it...and yeah the stiffness is kinda my style but i'll definitely try to make it more flexible in certain areas
just finished another replay! =]....this one is rather nice...some mistakes here and there but overall very nice imo
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Quite Aw3some!.rpl (241.4 KB, 22 views)
Your movement is soo twitchy , like REALLY twitchy !
When doing realism replays , always try as hard as you can to get the trick smoothly, because twitching like that isn't realistic at all and doesn't look good in-game.
Other than that, the trick itself was nice.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
I think ( I really think) it's Lexx am I right ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all