Original Post
DarkSeraph's Aikido Tourney .:FULL Azurite Prize:.
DarkSeraph's Aikido Tourney
FULL Azurite Prize!

funded by DarkSeraph
ashaltaf will assist me

Those of you who may think I'm doing this for promo team (Giantz..), I'm not.

* 30 People + ashaltaf and I.

Game Settings:

Mod: aikido
matchframes: 350
turnframes: 10, 20, 20, 30, 30, 45, 45, 40, 40, 50
flags: 11
dm: 1
frac: 1
dq: 1
dqtmt: 0
dqflag: 0
dmt: 325
ft: 200
dt: 0
ds: 450
ed: 90
eh: 0
er: 0


Knockout mode
1500 to 50,000 (1/2 to 2nd dan black to God Belt)
the 1,5k qi is required for azurite.
No spamming or flaming
Server - DarkAikidoTourney, set up 1 hour before tourney


GMT 22
November 1st, Saturday.

1st place - full azurite
2nd place - 25k
3rd place - 10k


Last edited by DarkSeraph; Oct 30, 2008 at 10:03 AM.
YourWelcome Dark if you need any help just pm me and i should be there =P
Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!
The great idea which allows most players to play is to put the date to saturday. For example I live in gmt +2 so it would be like 12pm for me and I cant stay up so late cause its sunday (next day is monday omg omg :o). Saturday would be ideal.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Im famous

Most people would come to like....... GMT 12?

Im not sure but I have -4 Gmt which is east coast.