Did you use a vector program for these or Gimp/photoshop?

The first is very reminiscent of World of Goo.

The second is awesomesauce.

Last one, ehh, not a fan. The reflection isn't too good and I don't like the white around the edge of the red part. The rim of the button thing isn't done well imo either.
This is just photoshop, most of it is normal pentool and pathtool with some exceptions. At some places I used the pentool to create a shape and then made a faded out gradient with the use of a huge eraser. The pipes coming out from his mouth in the first one is made with the 3d object from path solution that follows photoshop cs5.
Last edited by Ezeth; Apr 25, 2011 at 03:02 PM.
Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
Third one is my favorite. I looks really glossy.

Only problem is the reflection. It looks a bit fake.

hmm yeah, it was kind of rushed :P