Originally Posted by Fyu-Neru View Post
I have to add a lil bit here because of my country (Hungary) which is heading in the same direction.

Our Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán got elected in 2010 and stayed on power to this date. Those of us who weren't brainwashed voted for the opposition (or didn't vote) for three consecutive elections. Obviously Viktor's party won them all and stayed on power. Recently, people found out that the opposition was being kept alive on purpose.

Politicians got sacked because it turned out they were pedophiles. Evidence got destroyed and people also found that out. You have to be here to believe it. People with dirt on Viktor's party got killed. Viktor Orbán introduced a state of emergency because of migrants and then prolonged it because of the Russo-ukrain war which basically means absolute power.

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets sometime but it achieved nothing because all of it was peaceful. Now we might even be kicked out of the EU because our country blocks Ukrainian aid. I firmly believe my country is f*cked if we don't win the next election in 2026.

Despite all of the above, the situation in Venezuela is much worse which is crazy. Stay strong ale!

Also just a bit of info on how to imagine Hungarian politics. We have the most upvoted post on Reddit:

orban also was the one to gatekeep NATO from sweden and finland iirc, which also increased the awareness of how much of a dirt bag that man is in many western countries who were following that fiasco.

i hope you manage to get rid of him as well, pedophilia is never okay and the people who do that stuff or defend it in any ways deserve the absolute worst of the worst happen to them..

lets keep this thread around the situation of venezuela and not derail this thread from OP more though :x
the fame monster
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
I see a lot of info on the poor situation of Venezuela but how do you want Venezuela to fix its economy and the roots of its problems?

As in if you were the government what would you do to fix Venezuela?
Last edited by sirkill1; Aug 1, 2024 at 10:41 PM.
Originally Posted by Toffee View Post
"exacerbating the problem by causing a ruckus will fuck that up"

Can you elaborate on what you meant by this? I'm a little confused because it seems like you're supportive of and taking part in the antifascist protests. Here it seems like you're suggesting that too much protest will hurt the economy more? I'm curious.

Oh I can clearly see why that could've been the message I'm coming across with, that's not what I'm trying to say, although in the short term it's blatantly true that halting production, blocking transportation either of personnel or of means of production, will harm the economy, alongside making people scramble to buy food and supplies which will inevitably make the prices skyrocket specially in an inflation-prone mindset like we're used to.

However the point that I guess could've gone in depth about and I didn't is that I for one do not trust Corina Machado's economic neoliberal Thatcher-inspired plans, they're not talked about in depth by either Edmundo or her, and I feel like due to the economic trauma that Venezuela has felt, do not know if the economy has grown in the last 3 years in spite of the government due to the market self-regulating thanks to them not causing direct damage to it anymore, since you're an inquisitive person I'm sure you won't mind I go a bit back in history as I will here:

a bit about venezuelan economy

the tl;dr I don't trust a Chavista government or a Corina Machado government enough with their economic policies, as I think they are in the same bag and absolutely controlled by the same people, and between the two Corina Machado's seem too radical for a delicate, frail, growing economy, I foresee a collapse if she comes in sweeping to undermine the lower classes by discontinuing all social plans and implementing a focus on privatization of establishments such as schools or transport.
Last edited by Alejandro; Aug 2, 2024 at 12:12 AM.
Where instability grows, opportunities arise. How would you handle an influential Western country propping up some government that is potentially better than the current one? Suppose you knew ahead of time that Venezuela's problems would disappear.
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Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
I see a lot of info on the poor situation of Venezuela but how do you want Venezuela to fix its economy and the roots of its problems?

As in if you were the government what would you do to fix Venezuela?

I am taking action by protesting and informing, to fix the government's issues is not on me and not my responsibility. I am an artist, not a statesman, economist, or politician.

I would prefer somebody like third-wheel presidential candidate Antonio Ecarri [1] take over the government for he does have plans which I find healthy and reliable. There's a reason why he's basically deplatformed and despised by both the MUD and the PSUV, as he talks openly about their corruption and alliance.

Originally Posted by Starfield View Post
Where instability grows, opportunities arise. How would you handle an influential Western country propping up some government that is potentially better than the current one? Suppose you knew ahead of time that Venezuela's problems would disappear.

During any intervention there are interests in the mix, and we have to talk about our oil, contrary to popular belief of its incredible value, Venezuelan oil is mostly a hassle, it is heavy and hard to process, the local infrastructure as I've stated is poor to destroyed, and it is simply not that profitable of an endeavor in the long term since fossil fuels are prone to be discontinued within the next decade or two, so I'd have to ask what the motivation for an intervention would be, since we are not at our peak of humanitarian crisis, that was 2016-2017 when the protests, the famous Guarimbas, were incredibly profound and long-lasting.

However, be it the Comando Sur, the Cascos Azules, any of the international organizations defending Venezuela's rights, the people would be happy to be intervened, I would be relieved that the people are appeased, however a little disappointed for the inability of my people to stand up for themselves and need a colonizer's assistance, again I'm a militant radical on these topics.

Me personally I would love a local, national social bounceback that breaks the wheel of corruption comprised of the PSUV and the MUD, conjoined by a swift military coup and takeover and a subsequent call for true, open elections with a non CNE organization to preside over them.

Originally Posted by kani View Post
my heart goes to all people who suffer in venezuela now, and i hope that some day you will be free from all of this oppression and suffering and all the people who have been responsible for it will pay, a way or another.

thank you bro

Regarding the Hungary issue, I hope you guys can come out of that, it's no fun having your whole life be under one single government which the people hate. Stay strong
Last edited by Alejandro; Aug 2, 2024 at 12:03 AM.
Fair, but I would still like to hear proposed solutions for the problems Venezuela faces. It just seems like there are so many problems with no end in sight, which is sad to see.
verdaderamente es curioso ver que opinan las personas afuera de venezuela del tema, me alegro que una mayoria sean mensajes de apoyo, espero que podamos salir d este gobierno pronto, o si no, con tristeza me tocara irme del pais en donde he estado mis 19 años de vida, como m dueles, venezuela
i came with a .38 and im leaving with a body
Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
Fair, but I would still like to hear proposed solutions for the problems Venezuela faces. It just seems like there are so many problems with no end in sight, which is sad to see.

Not many which I could give, but not many that you'd be able to find without jumping into serious conspiracy or plans that are as theoretical as Corina Machado's, since the situation in Venezuela is not something of which you'll find many historical parallels, this is not socialism, which I want to reiterate: socialism is in its core good for the people and noble, and it is not communism as it is usually called by people ignorant on the topic, what this is is a Chavista, criminal kleptocracy funded by drug trafficking organized mafias, which hold an entire populous hostage. Not many solutions to that issue if we look into world history.

But I invite you to read into Ecarri's proposals since they are in my opinion among the most probable to leave a positive outcome, however I don't think he will ever have the chance as this country runs in a bipartisan system of which he tried to be part, but lost his chance by not wanting to participate with the opposition as he has always criticized the MUD disappointed by their complicity and corruption; though, me as a person that tries to be mostly focused on chronicling the historical accounts, I do not want to lean into explaining his plans as they are his as a candidate, not mine as an informer, and it is out there for those who want to read them, I am not going to be an armchair economist, firstly we must expel the opressors, but I will say that no current running leader is prepared to fix anything in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
poderiam fazer o mesmo com o lula aqui mas fazer oque né

cara oq eu posso te dizer kkkk sei la como porra vcs tem esse louco ai ele ja tinha historia de corrupcao e tudo, mas o povo quase sempre e o pior juiz do seu castigo ne

Originally Posted by Deimos View Post
verdaderamente es curioso ver que opinan las personas afuera de venezuela del tema, me alegro que una mayoria sean mensajes de apoyo, espero que podamos salir d este gobierno pronto, o si no, con tristeza me tocara irme del pais en donde he estado mis 19 años de vida, como m dueles, venezuela

Yo con 25 años estuve a punto de irme a vivir a España este febrero, pero honestamente, tras comprar los boletos de avión y tras hacer maleta, la noche anterior tuve una visión bastante eclesiástica que me hizo ver que somos todos los hijos sangrantes de una patria que llora y muere mientras la gente la deja. No creo que no haya futuro acá, y puedes ver que no me estoy quejando de manera personal, yo estoy bien, pero sé que la gran mayoría no lo está, y me duelen tanto como sé que a tí también.

No juzgo al que se va, pues siento empatía por su situación, pero yo sé que mientras yo esté aquí va a haber un alma que lucha en el terreno; si acaso, va a quedar gente como yo que apague la luz si todos se van.

Ojo que sé que mi opinión y mi manera de contar las cosas no van acorde con lo radicalizado que está el país en este momento, que la mayoría decide creer ciega y ferventemente en María Corina y en el presidente miel, pero mamaguevo te lo juro que yo lo que quiero es que la gente se arreche con todos, haya una explosión social, y los militares de rangos medios tengan que forzar un golpe de estado para derrocar al hijo de puta de Maduro y luego llamar a elecciones libres, porque no me como ningún cuento político, todos son culpables y hasta que se logre sentar alguien más en miraflores voy a mantenerme creyendo que la oposición tampoco supone algo bueno para nuestro país.
Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post
thank you bro

it's sister, miss, princess or just supreme leader, not "bro".

but i have certain type of respect for you as a human being and would not send you in the concentration camp for this mistake.
the fame monster
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime