Endurance Onslaught 6.0
The ranking system is based on elo. The higher your elo, the higher the rank you are likely to have. Per example, if you have an elo of a little over 1660, then your rank is likely to be somewhere in the lower thousands. If your rank was 1,500 something, and your elo was 1661, then you beat a player with a rank of say 1000, and their elo was 1662, then you would automatically steal their rank if you beat them because your elo was extremely close to theirs. Now if you have a high rank and you are constantly playing against people that have an elo that is extremely lower than yours, then your elo will drop even if you win because of the difference in elo.

At-least i'm pretty sure that's how it works, they still refuse to change the ranking system either way.
Last edited by Triton; Feb 1, 2015 at 05:28 PM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Basically: It's a total mindfuck and caring about your rank can be a bad habit. As you may have observed, people don't like you to even mention ranks because it indicates that you acknowledge their credibility. It is also important to remember that everyone's elo is changing all the time so you sometimes need to play a lot just to keep up with others so you are not displaced, and leaving a game while before it finishes loses you ranks.
Good morning sweet princess
its a system of ranking ingame sometimes your rank decrease sometimes it increase
but don't worry it doesn't affect your skills just fight and fight but as protonitron said
if you left the game the rank will increase so its basically not cool thing for the game
just go to quick aikido and shovel utell you are rank one, if you really care about rank
Originally Posted by Rare View Post
just go to quick aikido and shovel utell you are rank one, if you really care about rank

From experience, I will say this works 100%. Also, who is rank 1 right now?
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
you can check by going into market then rankibg on the left side. Frost is 1 for overall ranking and pedart is 1 for aikido
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