Yea you guys should look at how Panda and Tiag did theirs,but anyways,enjoy the time you are with us.
The Roulettes'
Why do you want to join Step Of Hope:
Steam Nameont play on steam
"Your mods":Aikido,mushu
"Not your mods":swords
Tell me a little about your self:A 13 year old in all honers (Im not a nerd)I like to play video games and play with my pet gecko
Okay awesome,I will invite you to the clan,and again another person,should add me to it,but your fine.
˜”*°•.˜”*°•Sâôρ Oƒ Hσρô•°*”˜.•°*”˜
Age: 10

Steam Name: PyroMann

My Mods: aikido, twinswords, footmod,judo,lenshu,jousting...

Not My mods: FightNight

About Me: My real name is Claude, I have been playing for about 2-3 years, Im a green belt but close to blue. I can show you some moves if you want. I am applying for this beacuse i really love this game and i hope to get better and better. I am also from the country Slovenia and play this game everyday.

If i get accepted, i will train even harder. I've trained alot and always hoped of joining a clan.

Okay,Splicer,we will invite you,and look our our events,we train on saturdays and sundays,but enjoy
The Roulettes'
Why do you want to join Step Of Hope: I want to join Step Of hope for Various reasons. I love to interact with new clans starting out and help them rise to the glory they deserve. Once you get to the "better" clans all they do is play for the rank and not the fun. Another reason is mainly because I think I can bring a new play style to the playing field, which can help in wars and training(assuming I'll get to the position to train). My final reason is that I think I can guide the clan when it hits a crossroad.
Age: 14
Steam Name:Lel I don't who I am. Skype name:Slicequk
"Your mods":Abd and variants, Ninjistu and mods similar in style, Xspar, JudoFrac,Tk,Boxshu Mushu,Ballgore and Variants,
"Not your mods":Parkour, Judo, ErthTk,Mushu
Tell me a little about your self: Im a Straight A student with a good spirit. I try my hardest at everything even if i hate it. Im on pretty often during the winter since I have no sports to do. I have a brother who's almost 2(December 15th). Sometimes I do become a bit competitive but I try to keep it under control.
(P.S. If you haven't already, make a bank. You'll need one for events and official clan status)
Last edited by Siet; Dec 12, 2014 at 10:37 PM. Reason: MIsspelling
hey mrrays here wanting to know if i can join

im 16

i love msds and twinswords also zweihander
Last edited by mrRAYS; Dec 12, 2014 at 10:43 PM.
Siet, Well we will have fun and we do have a clan bank. As for the position on training I'm sure we can work something out. I will invite you to the clan.
Haixen, Sounds great if you could get a steam(not a requirement though). Keep training and showing skills and you'll be great. I am inviting you now.
Last edited by FaithLive; Dec 12, 2014 at 10:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
˜”*°•.˜”*°•Sâôρ Oƒ Hσρô•°*”˜.•°*”˜