lol alright ill keep that in mind...i was trying to make the flow go outward from the circle and it was suppose to be a little random also im not sure why i called it a logo its mostly just a sig or something i didnt know what to call it...but if anyone has any good tutorials on making depth and flow please post them in trying to get better
Cannon Penis
Originally Posted by 1543 View Post
Its okay lilmali is just a shitty critic that thinks she knows what she is doing and is the best at GFX but if you look at her art work it sucks really bad.

First off, I never said I was the best, I am only trying to help someone out since I have been at that level.
And Second off, I am not a shit critic, you may think I'm being a douchebag but if you actually read what I post, and what i'm posting my opinion on, you may think better of yourself and your opinions.
There are not many good GFX artists in the community, that is why I help them.
Third of all, I would like to see you post a fucking GFX and get it in the Hall of Fame.
Fourth of all, if you are going to post, atleast show an example of some art from 2011 that I made that sucks to prove your point you fucking dumbass.

And Blancestor, I'm not being a dick to you, I'm just being honest, and trying to help you get better, don't take any of my criticism the wrong way, It is constructive criticism and that is the kind where I'm telling you something bad but it is helping you in the long run
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"