I just hosted my first tourney today w/o reading this. Next time I will follow some things you said.
Today, I used iBot for the commands and had a few guys on IRC help for PromoBot, which I would say is essential for drawing people in.
lol, I wish read this earlier. Coulda gotten screenshots for you

Oh well, 5k isn't much to lack....

One thing I forgot though was to say, Tourney in X minutes. Probably woulda helped.
The Player number thing is also a good tip!

Also, an "English only" rule makes people a lot more comfortable.
And it really helped to have clan members and a few other guys to help me out (thanks steve)

One problem though. Do you know how to disable the !all, !help, etc. commands on iBot? The players spammed it when they first found out. So I had to warn them or disconnect iBot, which I would rather not do.

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Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
The players spammed it when they first found out.

Just add that to the list of rules you announce. If they do, mute them.