Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Name: My name is timothy
Age: I am 14
Belt: Brown
Why Us: You guys seem so nice and familiar to me ive actually had one eye on this clan if it wasnt for mystic. Ive admired this clan a lot. It might sound like im lieing im not tho Ive always had an eye at you
How can you help us?
Favorite mods: Wushu, Mushu Dome, Mushu, Parkour, Judo, (Etc) (Anything fighting)
Then tell us about you self: I like potatoes and noodles i love chicken and everything edible
Name: Opfer, I go by Opi

Age: 23

Belt: black belt on my old account, current is Blue

Why Us: I've played with Swag before and it was always fun. I dig the name, and I want to help a clan build from the early stages.

How can you help us? I do graphic design, have 2 years schooling in Audio/Video Production, and 2 years Sound Engineering and Music Production. I can make clan vids, custom textures, Original music for our promos.

Favorite mods: Been kicking ass at Mushu and Wushu variants lately, I always get down on Aikido and Ninjitsu as well.

I dig checking out the more random mods with friends in downtime.

I spend my time off toribash composing electronic music of every genre and playing shows in bands. I do live sound for concerts and booking at a bar, and work on film projects on the side.
I think we should start using the vote system for getting in, seeing as we're getting a tad large. And please use the correct form of your (you're), swag.
Hi my name is Joey i am about to be 13 i could offer the clan with technology support i am good with computers right now learning how to hack more i don't really visit the forums i chose you guys because you seem like you need help my favorite mod is mushu i also skype and i will teach you if you want to learn.