Originally Posted by Laser View Post
Yeah, i'm really bad as well, but it's extremely fun if you play with friends who are a similar skill level.

It's too hard to find people who are bad at the game online though, they all seem to play training, story, or not play at all. (I have like 6 wins 35 losses online) Still a blast though, especially those times where you beat the 50-100th ranked Ryu when you know they're 10x better than you :P.

That was quite a while ago, maybe I should start playing again.

unless they had hella pp they were frauds
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
K then, my current Steam name is Hard Working Potato Farmer, I'll see if I remember how to play anybody. I'm probably on the Steam Toribash group, if that's still even used anymore.

teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
I wanna buy this game, but reviews in steam said me do not do it. Should I buy it or not? It's a great fighting, I know. But... You know. I doubt

These reviews are kind of scaring me. Most of them are saying multiplayer is impossible to play. What have your experiences been?
Originally Posted by NotShadow View Post
These reviews are kind of scaring me. Most of them are saying multiplayer is impossible to play. What have your experiences been?

all not recommended reviews involving multiplayer are from salty people who lose online to lag. for PC the netcode has always been pretty bad. but unless you're internet is complete shit, or the person you're playing someone who is using a lag switch it's not as bad as it's being put on to be.

playing ranked myself, even the red bars are not unplayable. it can be frustrating if you get salty when you lose (especially when you lose points online) but endless online seems to lag much less than ranked online. the worst connection I have is with someone who lives in mexico and in general has bad net, and even then we can get minimal lag in endless on training stage. that being said, it's mostly the stages that will cause you lag online.

long story short, the lag has the potential to be bad if you're playing someone who: is far away from you AND has bad net AND you're playing on a 'graphic heavy' stage. that's the only way the game is unplayable online.

so to sum it up, it's the best fighting game in terms of gameplay and probably one of the more balanced ones out there. if you are planning on being a hardcore online warrior and only playing for points so you can be the #1 ken online on PC then don't buy it because it's going to be a frustrating experience due to the small lag issues and how people will actually play online. if you are planning on buying it to learn some stuff about fighting games and have fun, you can quite easily hop on endless with the rest of us with minimal to no lag.

tl;dr good game, pretty bad netcode, not unplayable, not extremely frustrating unless under extreme conditions.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
On release it was very varied. Some games had virtually no lag, but some games stuttered incredibly bad. In addition, matchmaking was also a little wonky. That being said, they patched and fixed the majority of problems. Stuttering is the only real problem that's still around, and that has been severely cut down on anyways. Most people who play multi-console agree that PC is now playable on multiplayer, and actually can perform better than the other consoles, though xbox supposedly has a more consistent play quality.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
tl;dr good game, pretty bad netcode, not unplayable, not extremely frustrating unless under extreme conditions.

Alright, it sounds like it would be fun to try. I'll pick it up during a sale, if it goes on sale. Thanks.
Originally Posted by CroKO View Post
I wanna buy this game, but reviews in steam said me do not do it. Should I buy it or not? It's a great fighting, I know. But... You know. I doubt

Thank you for posting that video hahaha.

There's a lot of people who rated the game down on steam for the online play because they hella salty about how ranked lag can lose them internet points. If you want to have fun, the game is totally stable enough for you to play. I regularly run endless lobbies with Phail who is from Australia (I'm in the UK) and the input delay there is minimal considering the lag we get on other games. I haven't had any issues in ranked either outside of a little lag against people with bad connections (who I was warned about but decided to play anyway) - I could blame slight input delay that I had but I know I lost because I'm bad, not because of the connection. I'm not saying you'll have the same experience - it depends on your PC/laptop and internet connection (and the opponent's) but personally I think they're just buttmad after losing in ranked, I mean - bad reviews from guys with over 100 hours clocked? Some even topping 700? Please.

Anyone up for a game? I'm going to be adding people to the OP if they show they play & their platform but I wont be linking steam profiles because spam adds etc.
collect snots from the nose
the connection is fine but it's pretty much impossible to spectate games when you're far away from both players e.g. myself (australia) spectating rai and gynx (UK). Also I play this game with rai and steve and if you play with me you have to promise not to ravage my anus like them
lead Sigma
Gynx and I played a couple rounds. Gotta work on my panic flailings and inputs .-.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Oracle's Hugo when he isn't Meat Squashing me:

Fun games though! I'm thinking about hosting some money matches/mini tournaments for TC seeing as we're all around the same skill level so far (so long as rittu and Mwah don't crash the party). Anyone interested? Also, check out this year's Canada Cup final, being considered for match of the year:

Pepeday vs. Poongko:

Last edited by Gynx; Nov 15, 2014 at 08:42 PM.
collect snots from the nose