Pretty nice opener, I enjoyed the fluidity of it.
The mini-manip was rather standard. Clean none the less.
Split punch was veryy nice.
Though, I didn't enjoy the rest of the replay much after that point.
Even though you controlled your joints well, you looked out of control/balance to me.
I personally wouldn't have went for the hand-grab, but that's just me.
The skeet was pretty nice as well; You've gotten better at them and the transition from the skeet to the pose was nice and subtle too.

Nice replay, but I don't believe it's your best. 8/10
The opener was a little to long :/. If you attacked sooner then you would have done more, but anyway.
The punch to the chest I really liked. Is the fact that how you did it and what style.
The kick was not bad ether.
I saw you ghost after that kick but i don't think it is a big deal.
K, I didn't like the skeet because it was so close, but I guess that was alright.
The pose it alright.
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All I can really say is the opener felt a bit awkward with the relaxed neck and stuff.

nice booms aswell.
The opener was alright, it was fluid enough to not look bad. The dm punch was alright, it did its job well I suppose. The 5-dm boom that followed was great, it transitioned really quick from the aforementioned dm punch. I'm not a fan of that jump you did towards the legs afterwards, it looked rather weird and stiff-ish. The boom that followed is pretty good. Not much to say about that. It's a four dm boom. The pose you did is alright, but the transition towards the pose looked rather odd.

You sure know how to boom, but your movements need work. They look rather formless and ungainly at most parts.
Nice opener got me interested what you we gonna do next.
The kick got my jaw to drop nice boom kick.
Anyway after you came back from that kick. I didn't like how you kicked there to much and you made it seem as a boom.
Pose was cool.
I really cnced this already on skype but you didn't show me the whole thing so.....
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Bumpin' yo shit

The opener was nice, but it seemed a bit slow. Doesn't matter much though, because you got a sexy-ass boom from it. the transition to the next hit was a bit wonky to me, but the hit it'self was gewd.
Pose was also enjoyable.
good shit, keep it up.