Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Archlurps CnC event: Explain the Name
I've been on these forums since seven years ago and come back three different times, always wishing the replays forum were in a better shape, but finding it worse.

In 2008 you were pretty safe assuming your thread would get comments if it was on the first page. You rarely saw bumping because it wasn't needed. CnC was usually returned without asking, it was just the decent thing to do. Everything was pretty slow, though, there didn't seem to be very many people posting

I can't quite remember how things changed when I first took a break from TB. I wasn't gone for very long, nor was I back for long. But when I came back again in 2010, IIRC, the change was definite. There were more people posting replays, but less people commenting them. It wasn't unusual for a thread to be pushed out of the first page without any comments because people seemed to only post their own threads and camp in wait for their comments. Of course a couple more active people CnC'd each others threads and returned CnC, but the general air was that less people did anything but post their own replays.

Apparently things have been going steadily south since, as the replay board rules have been extended to forbid thread advertising. There would be no need to advertise threads if there was a healthy reciprocity in the community. Now that I'm back since December 2013, people actually comment threads more, but keep the actual CnC to a bare minimum. There seems to be an inexplicable unwritten rule of only critiquing the replays in the latest post by the OP. This makes the board more active in terms of posts, but deprives replaymakers of the critique they need to improve their next replay before they have to post it, especially since bumping without replays is also forbidden.

This event is my first move to try and fix that. I will lead by example by doing what I have been doing silently until now; returning CnC.

Here's how this works:
Most replays I've made since my return have a name with a less than obvious meaning. I will pay the first to know the meaning of each name a minimum of 100tc. Harder to guess names are worth up to 150, and you may earn additional bonuses for certain details in some names. I will also award prizes for explaining the names I explain myself somewhere, just for the detective work.
for an answer to qualify, you must have critiqued that replay. CnC the replay on my thread and include your answer in the comment. Then comment on this thread with a quote of your comment and a link to the thread you want critiqued by me in return. I'll critique at least as many replays as you've critiqued.

The replays, as of 1.1.2014

Long list

I will update the above list with new replays and the availability of prizes. If the main answer is given, but the bonuses are not, the bonuses are still free game, to the original poster of the right answer, and others.

You may guess again twice, on this thread (for a total of three guesses). If you've critiqued the whole thread, you may guess again indefinitely. You will also earn double the prize if you've critiqued every replay. If you've already critiqued the replay, comment on the thread again and point out or quote your earlier CnC. If you've CnC'd all replays on the thread, but in different comments, quote all the comments here. I'll keep track once I post more replays, but once you've CnC'd all of them for the first time, quote each one.

By critique, I mean more than three words. Quite a bit more, in fact. Point out something positive in the replay, or why it is utterly devoid of quality, and something to improve on, or why it is flawlessly perfect (as if). Pusqa's entry is an excellent benchmark for an outstanding CnC comment, but a bare minimum will also qualify you for the prizes. I will ignore your answer as to the name of the replay if I find the scope of the CnC lacking and point the fact out to you in this thread. I am not forcing you to praise my replays, simply requiring thoughtful criticism. Most of you already know I'll return it.

small print

In short (read at least this):
1. Critique a replay of mine in my replay thread, and include where you think its name comes from. If your answer is correct, you earn 100tc (or more, see above).
2. Quote your comment in this thread and link to the thread you want me to CnC in return
- You may guess again twice, on this thread, or as many times as you like if you've CnC'd every replay on the thread. You will also earn double the prize (including possible bonuses) if you've CnC'd every replay. this will not apply retroactively, so if you want double prizes, CnC everything first.

The observant among you may have noticed that tc prizes in this event are tiny. As you might guess from the manifesto above, this event is about the critique. If this one goes well, and I'm not too horribly busy with my studies, I will be host a more lucrative CnC event in the coming months. Think of this as a pilot venture.
Last edited by Archlurps; Jan 4, 2014 at 12:22 AM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
I saw it, but my laprop crashed when wanted to add it :Pm gonna put it with it now

That's a really bare minimum, but hey, something good, someting bad, that's what I asked for. This qualifies. You also get both answers right, woot! Both replays still have bonuses unclaimed, though.

Do you have a replay thread? Where would you like me to return CnC?

Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
I'm in, CnC'ing half the list.


Awesome! Unfortunately half of the replays critiqued is too complicated to keep track of to award a multiplier for. I'll be looking forward to your CnC.

Remember to guess the names! You can go ahead and submit your answer right away, no need to wait for an OK from me, unless you're worried your answer is right and your CnC doesn't qualify (if so, better make sure eh?). You qualify, though, go ahead and start quessin'. For the replays you already critiqued before the event ("if, theoretically, I were to grab"), as well.

Since you didn't specify where you wish me to return CnC, I'll critique three replays (that I haven't previously CnC'd, obviously) on your thread.

Originally Posted by pusga View Post

you can all go home now

Oh man! Thank you. I had a maniacal grin on my face the whole time reading that. This is a prime example of a CnC comment, I was pretty tired of Toribash before reading this, now I want to make a third run, try some discreet grabbing, make another combo of punches, fix "Sarissa" a second time, the list goes on. I think I know where you want me to return the CnC, and if it's not your thread, I'll just go ahead and CnC it anyways. I'll also answer some of the (rhetorical, implied and otherwise) questions in your comment on my thread, once I get a decent replay together to post with it.

No need to go home, though, guys. Or Pusga. Especially you, since you have infinite guesses until my next replay. You got a lot of them right, although two of them were already answered by zwouter.

Here's a rundown of your answers:


The tc to zwouter and pusga is sent, as well as the first post list updated. More than half of the awards are still on the table, and all but one of the bigger ones, as well as all of the bonuses, so much more than half the tc.

Also, I think one thing may need clarifying for some (if not, here it is pre-emptively):
You may submit answers for several replays, each one you CnC!

Now I'm off to the sauna, after that I'll get to the second part of the prizes, the participation award, returned CnC. It looks like I'll be busy with moving to my new home tomorrow and monday or tuesday, at least, so expect a delayed response on those days.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I did had that 2correct, but I didnt have the bonusses so pusga will get them? Or was I just to dumb and nobody gets it
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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