Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Only errors I get graphically are flames, every now and then they turn off and you have to /opt particles 1, but once that didnt help no matter what I did an dI had to redl toribash
Toribash is fine as it is, but maybe some postprocessing effects would be cool, like motion blur or depth of field.
IF it's fun as you guys said,how come each day peoples quit tb?

Im like realy most of our oldbays have quit it.

There might be a lack of something into the game.

Because me here doesn't play it daily,I only hang around the forum.
, _ ,'
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Originally Posted by Ninja0King View Post
Im bored so imma talk about this.
What do you thing oof toribash graphics...
Would they be better more realistic/accurate?
Does the current style suit it best?
So on...
I honestly think they look best they way it is with the exception of the fluid bloody, which looks lame.

Hate flames, but the rest I really don't think about it.

Motion blur in replays would be neat but I really don't think much about the graphics. They're enough.

Blood could use an update but I don't use shaders, so they disappear in moments anyway.

Originally Posted by Deathsoldi View Post
IF it's fun as you guys said,how come each day peoples quit tb?

Im like realy most of our oldbays have quit it.

There might be a lack of something into the game.

Because me here doesn't play it daily,I only hang around the forum.
, _ ,'

Toribash at the end of the day is a game. People are allowed to get bored, you know.
Well, despite having a quad-core computer, I constantly find myself playing TB over dragon age, mass effect or even crysis....
Motion blur, depth of Field and getting rid of the lame motion trails are all I really care for... plus the blood should look more like it does in the wii-ware version.
What you cant see can hurt you.
If the models were more realistic, I'd feel like a pervert.

What realism could be added? A sky? Floors?

Tori has a pretty cool art style to it.
Graphics don't make a game inherently "better". The game has to be fun. I still play some old computer games from the 80's, because they were fun games, even though they have 8-bit or even less graphics.

The particle stuff I can do without anyway.

As for the people who've been around a long time leaving... It's human nature. Eventually you get bored with things. Sometimes you come back later and it's fun again.
Originally Posted by SWEEP View Post
Toribash is fine as it is, but maybe some postprocessing effects would be cool, like motion blur or depth of field.

/DOF 1

Before you do it remember to wave bai bai to your frame rate ;)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you