Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
*sigh* I was kidding.

I greatly doubt that, If you were kidding you would have made an attempt to show it, and not just said it.

anyway, the price is far too high for a C&P, remove one 0 and make it 300 - 500, then perhaps someone will buy it.
Especially since it is a simple CP. You didn't have to blend with other images or do extensive layering.

Hanz0 was fine with me making my own halo heads.

LOL I think I'llake a Rudolph set for Christmas.

I think the price would usually be 400 tops for this work, but since it's christmas, maybe...MAYBE, a collector who knows nothing about heads might buy it at 1k. :o

So GL at selling it for, what was it? 5k?
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