The record needs to be in 1 frame because people are able to argue that it's not one hit if it's more than one frame.

I personally believe that the kick is 2 hits, but that is my opinion, and many would disagree. If it was in one frame no one could complain that it wasn't in one hit. Anyway, for the replay, nice booms, but that was about all there was to the replay ;o
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Everyone else pretty much covered it, I find it amazing that you finally hit the 7DM boomhit mark, but that's all the replay had to it, if it was specifically for the record then I can understand but spice it up a bit, add a manipulation and do some flips and shit.
Pretty much what Larfen said.
| tom |

Fairly simplistic replay, going to try a manipulation for my next replay.

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Forever waiting.rpl (142.9 KB, 66 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
Originally Posted by Course View Post
Oh my!

That was one of the best replays I've ever seen.
Simply loved everything.


I personally didn't like the start of the replay since my leg got stuck on the ground for quite a few frames.

But, yeah thanks Course.

Originally Posted by toripr0 View Post
Dude that was just awesome!
Every thing, the spins thows kicks..... sweet! 10/10

Guessing by throw you mean the grab right?

Quite surprised people gave that replay a 10/10 in a rating

Also, by manipulation for this replay I didn't say I was going to manipulate uke :>

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Born a warrior.rpl (255.8 KB, 49 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
Very nice.

I loved the opener, you just leaped along the place, then that first kick was kind of sloppy and would've been better flawless, after that, your head touched uke's head which wasn't so pretty, then the boom was nice, but also sloppy and looked weak since you contracted you're foot straight after, then the next kick when you kicked the crotch block was good but nothing above average. The next kick (on the arms) was nice, nothing wrong there, then that skeet. That was amazing. I loved it, you just kicked the crotch block AND the pec at the glute which looked amazing. I also liked the pose but it wasn't something I couldn't do myself x3

Good work but a bit sloppy 8.7/10
The opener was pretty decent just disliked the beggining, the first head kick was ok but after a few frames you mess up for a while, after that i just can't discribe the replay...just....amazing and the skeet was bossy :3

Going with a 8.5/10, i never get bored watching your replays
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Nice opener, I love thows fluid moves of yours. But I didnt like what you did before the decap, you were a bit stiff and that killd your momentum.
I think it would be better if you stay on your feet and maybe an other spin. But thats just my opinion.
The boom was very nice and the skeet was great.
Nice replay.