Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Personally, Toribash does tend to get boring after a while, hell I used to be on daily for a few years now look, rarely on.
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Honestly it's not that the game is getting boring to me, it's the lack of players that is causing even MORE people to leave. It's like a bandwagon thing. A lot of people will only play games with a very large playerbase. I feel like advertisement would be the way to go in my honest opinion. The last Ad (excluding toribash WII) was from 3.6. That was literally around the time I started playing this game. I just feel like the developers and staff aren't doing much to invite new players to join the game. Everyone that plays now has been around for a while. If I hadn't played the game when I had heard about it way back when, I probably would have never found it. New players are key to a thriving economy, playerbase, and all that shit. Attracting new players could boost the amount that this game is actually making due to the fact that new players aren't good at the game and are more likely to pay for tc or boosters or items, than someone who knows they are good enough to just earn it. Just think about it.
I hate living in Texas -_-
I started playing this game because someone told me it was a good game, if we want more players in this game than you should be telling people about it, not waiting for youtubers to find it and advertise it. I'm pretty sure toribash is losing players mostly due to the community (Not saying I don't like this community) some people in this community are very toxic and cancerous even to a point where someone wouldn't want to play. I feel as if we as a community were to try and get more players which isn't really needed imo, than we should be a more welcoming community when a new player arrives, even in the forums it shows who the newest players are. Maybe try and find them and welcome them to the community, that's just my opinion. And I agree with deak, I've only been playing for a month but, I get on almost everyday and I'm getting kind of bored and getting lazy, hell I started playing more blops3 because of that.
they call me ????????????
Probably because the game stayed virtually the same since 2008 with hardly any meaningful changes. Of changes that were made most are just cosmetic -- stuff like new joint colors and hair. What the game needs are real changes that have all been suggested a million times to no avail. Things like breakable grips, a KO function, more trigger actions, ability to give objects object-oriented thrust (such that turning an object changes where it is going), raising max number of non-static objects, better modmaker etc etc etc.
I feel like betting servers used to be the place everyone would go to have fun and make money, but decap prizes took out a large aspect of betting now a days.
Back then, before decap prizes, people were just betting to bet, now people only self bet for first place to get the decap prizes.
Good luck finding a bet server that will do good without a decap prize, it's basically impossible to have a running bet server with no decap prize.

Also the corrupt staff don't help the case.
You know who you are if you're reading this.
I think that newer players have trouble learning. It's very tough starting out in Toribash. They quit very early on because they get very frustrated. It's not a game for everyone, you know?
"wifi pimp, modems hanging from my wrists,
passwords on my blunts, gotta login to hit it"
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Can we focus on what is causing the decrease in the number of members, as opposed to whether we like Pewdiepie, Pewdiepie's fans or Pewdiepie's videos? Also, let's move off of how we can prevent it, at least until we have a pretty good idea of what the cause is. Feel free to talk about whether you think that this was bound to start happening eventually and why.

You're talking about the cause, but we still don't really have a clear picture of the problem itself. It'd be useful if someone who knows the stats about Toribash (new membership over time, members logged in per day) posted here and informed us about what's actually happening. Right now we have no idea of the extent of this problem. It could be bigger than we think or we could be overstating it.
There is no problem nor issue imo. When toribash got greenlit, then released on steam, was the only time we ever had more than like 500 tops players online at once. Before all of that, we actually had less of a userbase than we do now.

So, we are falling on the graph as a natural flow from our last high. If we want another influx of members, the game has to have a new appealing factor. It's already out on steam and I have spoken to many people who don't participate in this community who also know what toribash is(they also think the game is silly and stupid most of the time). I doubt advertising would be our biggest issue here.

Before 2011, I wasn't really doing any caring towards the community, so I don't know what the userbase was then.

Based hazily of what NutHug said in an interview, the pros don't have anything really to work with like they did anymore. Everyone has gotten so good at winning due to the way humans can learn crap. Back in the day, toribash was an experiment and new idea that wasn't a huge winners club jerk circle. Due to this and repetitiveness, I think it's fair to see that not as many "pros" are still playing.
Last edited by Link; Apr 27, 2016 at 04:13 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
The peak times for Toribash were more than likely when Nerd Cubed and Markiplier played Toribash, and when It got Greenlit on steam, The games amount of players will fluctuate, but it'll rise again, and then it'll go back down again. :3
Back in action bitches.