Originally Posted by Soop View Post
Ok, I'll try to have it by... *BZZZZZ* *blue screen* *DANG IT!* *restart* tommarow, maybe (is that how you spell tommarow?)

it's tomorrow
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by exturnal View Post
last time i saws you, you died from Ninja breaking upXD
anyway i would like a 10tc pic.

128 pixals
Center:the xbox360's ring of light, all 4 lit up.
surrounding the center:will be the Gears Of War mark, but with out the skull.
Words:below it will say smox is soxy.

don't ask...just do it.

Btw: can it move? i mean, can it me a anamated pic?

don't tell me ur gonna use this for ur avatar -.-
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
Can you do pixel sized fire? And blood gashes and splatters?
I'd want 512x512 of each, from which I can grab a random 128x128 square and have a decent amount of flame licks, splatters, and gashes that I could use for textures.

[edit] do'h hand drawings. well, try it anyway and scale it down and we'll see how it goes.
Last edited by FNugget; Feb 10, 2008 at 08:09 AM.
That works.
How a guy with a goatee and a Slayer tee can shoop da woop is beyond me, doesn't mean it isn't good though.
Originally Posted by DaMehMan View Post
That works.
How a guy with a goatee and a Slayer tee can shoop da woop is beyond me, doesn't mean it isn't good though.

He has the power... He just can, DMM, he just can.
I have quit. Goodbye all.