Endurance Onslaught 6.0
The speculations about the apocalypse usually stem from an at least somewhat self-centered personality. There's a certain... arrogance if you will, that somehow you can either predict the end of the world, or that somehow it's something special for the apocalypse to happen to you when you're alive.

That being said, it can be argued that speculations about the apocalypse is merely planning for the future. You don't know if the next winter is going to be a particularly brutal one, or if a hurricane will hit you, but you keep yourself at least somewhat prepared for if it does. Likewise, you don't know for certain if there's going to be an apocalypse, but if it does, having talked about it does give a certain level of preparedness outside of no speculation at all.

I will admit I enjoy talking about death of humanity scenarios for the philosophical aspect of it (human morality and such in light of a destroyed civilization), but the physical aspects are something I'll touch on briefly. Because quite honestly, while I do have a general zombie plan, the odds that it will work and I will survive are slim to none. There's a reason it's an apocalypse, and that's because the vast majority of everybody is going to die.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
hey guys

i cant wait for the day my life ends abruptly and our species is wiped off the face of the planet

im looking forward to it, Ill bring snacks and punch if anyone wants to come to my end of the world party

2013, Kowla is attending this event
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
That is the reason for it, and it only served to further damage my already nuked belief that there is at least one stroke of normality in humans.

define "normality"
explain why it matters/is relevant in the slightest

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
My point is that if we are down to wasting our time thinking about this, we are slowly becoming inferior, and we are slowly losing our predatory survival instincts which we have thrived on in the ever-passing eternity.

i'll address this sentence in two parts
first part of the sentence (up to and including "on"): what are we becoming inferior to? why, in the world that most people who have the leisure of internet access and the will to post this sort of content live in, do "predatory survival instincts" matter? i can't see any situations arising in the near future in which people will need to hunt anything
second part: what
Originally Posted by legsol View Post
define "normality"
explain why it matters/is relevant in the slightest

i'll address this sentence in two parts
first part of the sentence (up to and including "on"): what are we becoming inferior to? why, in the world that most people who have the leisure of internet access and the will to post this sort of content live in, do "predatory survival instincts" matter? i can't see any situations arising in the near future in which people will need to hunt anything
second part: what

Part A: Normality is what is uninfluenced and pure. We are all heavily influenced and impure, and everything we think makes us weaker.

Part B: We are becoming inferior(in terms of survival instincts, which we still need to thrive) to our ancestors. Predatory survival instincts apply to everything. The wave of apathy that has been overflowing the population of the planet for the past 20 years of this new, digital age is very damaging. Our arrogance has exceeded our capabilities, plain and simple. There are so many flaws in this system of ours, yet not enough people are smart enough to exploit them. The world we live in is nearly entirely virtual. I never said anyone would need to hunt anything, but predatory survival instincts are wired into our brainstem, along with the urge to reproduce, and by being who we are, we are diminishing as humans, and turning into apathetic jelly-bags. Here is an article demonstrating my point: http://www.insidejapantours.com/japa...rive-in-japan/

This is becoming a global phenomenon. The more time we waste thinking of useless shit, such as our mutual demise due to catastrophe, the more we sink into this spell of apathy.
Well our ancestors didnt have the technology we have today, so of course their insticts would be better than ours as they needed them to survive. If things can be made simpler, but yet more advanced, whynot not exploit it? With the shit going on this century, the simpler, the better. As long as stuff gets done the correct way

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Well the brain infestation about the 2012 facts may offend you.
But there is gonna be the end someday, probably not in 2012 but probably in a million years.

You can't deny about this, because all stars such as the sun have a lifetime.
Scientists say that his aftermath of death will destroy the earth and all the nearby planets.

It sounds like a story with horrible ending since there is the only one planet with lifeforms.
Originally Posted by PlayerID57 View Post
Well the brain infestation about the 2012 facts may offend you.
But there is gonna be the end someday, probably not in 2012 but probably in a million years.

You can't deny about this, because all stars such as the sun have a lifetime.
Scientists say that his aftermath of death will destroy the earth and all the nearby planets.

It sounds like a story with horrible ending since there is the only one planet with lifeforms.

Actually the end of life on our planet will be in a billion years, not when the sun dies, because the sun is gradually getting hotter and about in a billion years it will be too hot on Earth to support life (or at least humans)
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
You my sir have a potty mouth "Them fucking apocalypse"
lol anyway, yeh i think people are just obssesed with 2012.
My friend sayes the world is gonna end at that year.
Up on malancholy hill, there's a plastic tree~
Originally Posted by luckymoney View Post
You my sir have a potty mouth "Them fucking apocalypse"
lol anyway, yeh i think people are just obssesed with 2012.
My friend sayes the world is gonna end at that year.

And your friend is lying.

Hyde, a 0.09801237892178% chance for a meteor hitting the earth, is quite big D:
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.