Really like this one. The idea is interesting and allows for a lot of unique gameplay situations. I'm glad to see you experimenting with more unique game mechanics. I want to see someone play through a round in the mod by just running on the backs of the bulls.
The look of the mod is really cool and the choice of colour and and the use of certain objects for details gives it a rather painting like feel. Even the boxlike bulls don't feel out of place in it thanks to some stylistic choices you've made.
If I had to pick a flaw in the mod I'd say it's the separation of the upper and lower path. As it is right now the upper path is just a pretty generic parkour course and the lower path while being a lot more interesting and unique, can probably get bit monotonous after a while.

It would probably be more interesting, if instead of having a complete safe path over the bulls you'd only have small unconnected sections which you could climb on, but always would have descend to the road and make dance with the bulls to get to next one.

But even with all that in mind it's really good work. This kind of interesting ideas and polished look is what I was hoping to see from you when I went on those rants back in the day. Just double down with the idea you have and don't give the players unnecessary leeway. A lot of players choose to play boring if given a chance and will still complain about it.

Also. Spar env with those bulls. Make it happen.
[The Team]
<largekilla> You are going to give me cancer
Originally Posted by Obazu View Post
Really like this one. The idea is interesting and allows for a lot of unique gameplay situations. I'm glad to see you experimenting with more unique game mechanics. I want to see someone play through a round in the mod by just running on the backs of the bulls.
The look of the mod is really cool and the choice of colour and and the use of certain objects for details gives it a rather painting like feel. Even the boxlike bulls don't feel out of place in it thanks to some stylistic choices you've made.
If I had to pick a flaw in the mod I'd say it's the separation of the upper and lower path. As it is right now the upper path is just a pretty generic parkour course and the lower path while being a lot more interesting and unique, can probably get bit monotonous after a while.

It would probably be more interesting, if instead of having a complete safe path over the bulls you'd only have small unconnected sections which you could climb on, but always would have descend to the road and make dance with the bulls to get to next one.

But even with all that in mind it's really good work. This kind of interesting ideas and polished look is what I was hoping to see from you when I went on those rants back in the day. Just double down with the idea you have and don't give the players unnecessary leeway. A lot of players choose to play boring if given a chance and will still complain about it.

Good stuff, appreciate it

Good stuff, appreciate it

Also. Spar env with those bulls. Make it happen.

Thanks Obazu.

I struggled a lot with the transitions between the two levels and trying to balance them accordingly, even to the point where I considered giving up on the mod. The biggest issue I faced was how the floor and and the lower parts of the walls had to be completely flat.
This meant that there was very little for me to work with when making transitions between the two levels resulting in me deciding to make the paths longer and more standalone.
To compensate for this I made the paths difficult to traverse, so even if you get up there you might not find it so easy and opt to either jump down or risk falling.

The second most limiting factor was to make everything look natural. A lot of compromises had to be made here and there can only be so many balconies. This obviously ties into the problem of everything on the bottom part of the mod having to be completely flat, creating an incredibly frustrating challenge.