Original Post
Requesting a Video 100k
Ok, so my computers been broken for a couple of months now and I can't make any more videos for a while.
But while I was on Youtube I found this nice little song that I'm dying to make a video out of but I can't.

Thats where you come in.
Make a video out of this one song.
Overload it with Effects, but at the same time make it look good.

Thats pretty much it, doesn't matter whose replays you use, and you can make as many entries as you want.

It has to be at least 3 minutes long.
It has to use the song I requested
Deadline is Christmas
Winner wins 100k
Make it Epic

Good luck ;)
Hm the prize is decent but I will quit soon tb editing so I won't participate but very much look to all of you and also to you vate hope you get an nice video :P good replays )TEO your favorite satanist
It's so cool song, I don't know when I'll get freetime for, but I wanna make vid for that song.
javascript code:
function () { alert(' you re sexy waffle ! '); };
Aadame: Doesn't matter whose replays you use, but I suggest using good one ;)

Mike2k5: Aww your quiting?
I'm gunna miss your videos...
At least stick around on the forums? :c

Dialord: Hopefully you have the time to make a video, I thought this was Dialord bait cuz you like to use so many effects
I started making video
also Vate if you can send me your replays, I remember you got some perfect which will be excellent synced with video.
javascript code:
function () { alert(' you re sexy waffle ! '); };
If any of you guys need some replays for the video fell free to pm me.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by Dialord View Post
I started making video
also Vate if you can send me your replays, I remember you got some perfect which will be excellent synced with video.

Shit, my computers down so I can't get my newest ones but I'll try to find the ones I posted on the forums.

I found some replays I uploaded on mediafire a while ago.
It should have most of my better replays
Last edited by Vate; Nov 21, 2011 at 10:58 PM.