Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post

What program are you using?
That's way the hell off.
I got far, far closer in about 10-15 minutes.

PlayerID, I agree with you. I doubt the closer in 10-15 minutes tho. =p I decided not to actually use ukes head texture but make my own one, and see if i could get it to look the same. thats why its off. The legs are way too skinny.
Lol, looks like a charicacture, you never did say what program you are using.

Also, turn down the specularity on the materials.
I like it, and I also agree with you that its too skinny :/. But either way, good job
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
An hour just for that? 2/10 not to be mean but proportions are off, if you were using 3dsmax you set the uvw texture wrong on the head and legs end off with half a sphere.