That would be pretty sweet, i was thinking of making some Tori puppets =}

It would be pretty cool, if you used magnetic ball bearins inside ping pong balls i recon you could get them to move and rip off. Then you could have coils in the fists, and on the puppet handle things (what ever they are called) have buttons to send current through the coils, and so you can grip.

It would be pretty awesome, even if you didnt make them puppets, just action figures XD
Really nice effects, i like plastic and Dark.

Originally Posted by NotGorman View Post
That would be pretty sweet, i was thinking of making some Tori puppets =}

It would be pretty cool, if you used magnetic ball bearins inside ping pong balls i recon you could get them to move and rip off. Then you could have coils in the fists, and on the puppet handle things (what ever they are called) have buttons to send current through the coils, and so you can grip.

It would be pretty awesome, even if you didnt make them puppets, just action figures XD

That would be totally awesome, id be happy even with action figures (with movable joints). Id play with 'em heaps and heaps.

PS: Hey NotGorman, don't you think that Gorman guy is a faeg? =P
Co Leader of Hell-Razor
Originally Posted by YoungBl00d View Post
That would be totally awesome, id be happy even with action figures (with movable joints). Id play with 'em heaps and heaps.

Try convince Nabi to make em XD

Originally Posted by YoungBl00d View Post
PS: Hey NotGorman, don't you think that Gorman guy is a faeg? =P

Zomg noew!
Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
I really like the plastic one, looks like a nicely wrapped up tori action figure ;)

OMG I would so buy a Tori Action figure xD
(cough cough, mass production idea)
i also really like the plastic one, or the laserd one. cool work there.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D