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The Ultimate Judo tut. (Finished!)
This tutorial will cover most aspects of judo.

Starting with openers.

First and foremost, there is a longer time in judo before you make your next move so the key is remaining stable, and not getting dq'ed.

Basic Openers Pros & Cons )

First we have the most basic opener for judo, press c, sticky hands & contract pecs.

Pros: This is a very solid, stable opener, allowing you, (if your opponent trys to tilt you towards the ground) to just extend glutes, putting him closer to the ground.

Cons: You are very vunerable to limb breakage if your opponent launches a kick in the right spot, or starts knowing you're doing this opener. If your opponent has your arm, he's probably gonna touch it to the ground, instant dq.

The next basic opener is like the first, only you raise a hip and contract a knee for a kick.

Pros: You might have the first hit of the match, with the kick, knocking your opponent backwards and, hopefully, to the ground.

Cons: You are very succeptible to being knocked off balance, and if your opponent grabs your leg, it's all over.

This opener is sort of a half split, contract the pecs and sticky the hands as you normally would. The difference is you extend one glute, and roll the chest (roll it left if you are extending the right glute, and vice versa). There are variations of this one that include a kick, the use of the lumbar, etc....

Pros: This is a very stable start, and can put your enemy off balance you are not very succeptible to getting your arms torn off. Usually, this start lets you grab your opponents face.

Cons: You are vunerable if they rush at you, knocking you backwards and on to the floor.

Mid game:
No matter where you are at this point, your goal is to get your opponent to the ground. Try to stay on top, don't let him throw you around, use his own momentum against him, try to see where he is most likely to fall over, and use every muscle in your body to get the desired effect. If you're losing, try to keep him at bay, chances are he'll probably slip up on his own.

End game:
If you're losing, try twisting out of the way, Try a desperate counter. Nothing can hurt now, right?
If you're winning, play it safe, your opponent might be anticipating your moves. Just let that guy fall to the floor.

General tips:
(open to public to add to)
When stopping yourself from falling, make sure to extend!!! If you just hold the joint, it will still bend to the ground.
Rip that guy apart! If your enemy is missing a limb, that gives him a serious disadvantage.
Don't use the same opener every time, if they know it's coming, you're going to lose.
Experiment! You might discover a 1 hit kill. Who knows?

No, it's not Hawkinz, Sparrow Hawk, Sgt.Hawk, or any other Hawk out there. It's Hawk. The original. Period.