i was wearing it 11 hours but ok i will upload it so but this set already fits to hunter :/ because my joints is vulcan and hunter and it fits good :P ok uploading this set
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
correct me because I am probably very wrong but doesn't the legs, arms and hands have a very similar look to Mrama's cartoon set that is now owned by me?

To me it looks like he has copy and pasted some parts, made them bigger, and darkened them.....
-just noticed the hands, look closely at Mrama's hands and his, they end roughly around the same place....

lets have a closer look.

Please exept my appologies if I am wrong.

Last edited by AirGoof; Apr 1, 2010 at 12:10 PM.
*Meanwhile Below*
actaually it isnt copy pasted look carefully in those parts there is no shading and yes ths is mrama inspired set :P but i've done all this by myself
dl mee and look they are different
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
:P and i have the proof that these textures is mine :PPPP
i have all these textures in 512x512 and the quality of preview is showed on it so it is ingame i love texturing in 512x512 :PP
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.