Oh-oh ho... manowar, that ride is fucking scary has fuck. I haven't been on it, but I've seen vids.

@Slybash: I don't know that ride yet but I will check up on it.

@Yoyo: Awesome ride, I think that if I went on it... I would probally shit myself (Jk)
Skyrush at Hersheypark was worth the hour wait, 3 break downs (in case you didn't know, it breaks down all the time), and the mild bruises on my legs (going down a hill that's 200 something feet tall, 76 mph, then going up a hill that's about 67 feet tall doesn't feel too ppleasent when all you have for safety is a lap bar).
Either that or Farenheit (or something close to that name) at the same park. Tootally worth the 2 and a half hour wait. (90 degrees up a lift hill then dropping down a hill that's 97 degrees down (steepest drop in America) has high potential do have a line thatt on average is a 1 hour wait (nearly 4 hours at longest))
Last edited by Rfifan; Jul 1, 2012 at 03:34 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Well, in the Netherlands we don't have that special rides. But one ride I really really liked was the Goliath, you can find it in Walibi world which was a Six Flags some years ago. It is described as the the fastest, highest and longest coaster in the Benelux.

'After climbing out of the station, the train is released from the catch car at the top of the lift hill and accelerates down the 152-foot (46 m) first drop and runs over a large hill. After dropping for the second time, it ascends a hill called a Stengel Dive, the top being overbanked to around 100° to the right, before dropping down into a 270° downward helix. After medium-sized curved hill, it negotiates a 380° upwards helix and a bend to take the track parallel to the lift hill. Before entering the brake run, riders experience considerable air-time on three bunny hops.'
Ok then, I know the goliath and I got to admit that the ride looks humongous...

I don't like Minnesota that much so I don't know sorry.

Isn't Thorpe Park where Saw:The Ride is at?