Originally Posted by Frost-Dragon View Post
When I bullied people, what flowed through my mind when I did it. Was the fact that I wanted to be accepted, I didn't want to be the victim, so I sided with big shot people of the high school, I was AFRAID, I was the bully, yet I was afraid, that I was gonna get bullied. I was afraid that people could see through my rough exterior, and pinpoint my weaknesses and attack them. So you can't really state that fear isn't a factor whenever your talking about the actual bully his/herself. And another thing, America's attitude that you talk shit about, evolved from being bullied in the first place, American's didn't like it, so guess what? We pushed back. Everyone talks shit about America, yes we have a shit economy and president, yes we are natural born assholes, but that's just America. The main reason why I love America, is because we don't like to take shit from anyone. As for the comfort zone statement, your wrong. They stay in their comfort zone because they are afraid to leave, because they think things will happen to them if they leave that area. I'm not speaking for every bully in the world, about how they think, about how their mind progresses in such a way. I'm speaking through personal experience of being a bully. I regret the way I used to treat people. I'm glad Hero brought this discussion up, it has personal importance to me.

I doubt your passive-agressive bullying to be accepted got anywhere near to the state of the brats in the video. They aren't doing it to be accepted, they are doing because they know nothing will happen, there will be no negative consequences. No one can touch them. If you don't have any negative weight as a result to your actions, then you won't even think twice before being an asshole.
-The Doctor is in-