its not done sillys.. right now im just trying to fix the mouth in #2 cause its giving me ulcers floating on the head like it is.. (i still have it saved as a layer hiding away tho..

returned to #2 with smaller edits D:

wip #4

Last edited by 13chillz; May 19, 2013 at 02:03 AM.
The lips seem a little bit too cartoonish now, it kind of looks like this:

maybe look at more realistic lips? im not sure on realism though because its not my style of art but im just passing my opinion.
Nice, it's getting good again, i guess that don't need much thing to finish just add more realism and fix the drawing errors. Keep improving man, you can got some tc selling it.
Kratos, indeed he will be making tc. :3

It's a request from me.

I'm still not sure about those horns chillz :o.

That looks hilarious, very original; keep it.

But I wanna see those horns ingame, you wearing them now?