i dont have cronos or orc.... and when you sat half trztures do you mean joints too?
cuse i have all od the texures besides joints
Last edited by Cross; Jan 17, 2016 at 09:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Actually I was waiting to for my next bump to do this but:

Currently leading is tochukwu, I have decided to gauge his offer at 30k simply because the hassle of having to sell items for tc. (Told ya I would keep you in consideration.)

Meaning current highest bid is 30K, so unless someone bids over this in the next *checks watch* 12 hours, the set will go to him.
wait do i havr to sell my set ? or just enough itrms that equal 30k cuse my set cost well over 50k
No, I still want your original offer as is.

I was just setting a basis for the other bidders who are using TC to bid with.
Meaning at the moment the set will be yours for your original offer unless someone was to bid more than 30K.
Last edited by Zypher0A0S; Jan 17, 2016 at 11:26 PM. Reason: Typos galore
my original offer was my whole set so my whole set? i mean my set cost way more than 30K but if thats what you mean ill go with it
also are you giving the items with the art or just the art
Last edited by Cross; Jan 17, 2016 at 11:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Have you ever looked at what 512x textures (item) are priced at? (around 20k for the regulars and 40 for joints.)

This set will still fit onto the lower size ones, it will just lost a bit of definition with the resolution drop.

But anyway I gotta fix this damn auction now.

With this guys ^ drop out the price is back down to 17k. Currently held by losertaser

Let the bidding continue.
This will probably be the last bump.

Current highest bid is äJewww

I will be ending the auction 4 hours from now, last minute bids are welcome.