Well I am fairly tall so I wouldn't know. I guess it depends on the person. Muay Thai helps me though because of my far reaching kicks due to my long legs.

And yes First Aid is also a very good one I might learn.

I like how we're all giving each other ideas on what else we might wanna learn.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Well me being tall is always a problem in the jiu jitsu situations, as they can easily single leg take down, but I've been doing kick boxing recently so I trust my long legs to keep me distance, but if worst comes to worst I have a pretty good ground game
I want to learn Japanese language, i always been fascinated by Japanese culture (not only from manga/ anime, but their other culturewise too)
and travelling skill, i have a little collection of Travelling experience,i wan to learn what would be a good choice or bad choice when you are travelling.
Oh also cooking, i cooked a lot of different food as of late, want to learn more
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
i would like to learn how to magically deactivate anxiety in myself


Failing that, i'd like to learn how2music and/or play an instrument. My brain often spawns cool music and it bothers me intensely that i can't bring it to life for my ears to feast on, but then again, i guess that'll just be somewhat like learning to draw; you'll never be able to look at your own works in the same way as you look at those of others. Still, could be fun, since i still do enjoy drawing.

Also, learning how to make glass mosaics would be pretty cool, provided that i have the patience for it. I mean, instead of just having a dull translucent window for light without ruining privacy, why not have a cool mosaic? (the answer to that being that people will be dicks and throw stones at it)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
i would like to learn how to magically deactivate anxiety in myself


Failing that, i'd like to learn how2music and/or play an instrument. My brain often spawns cool music and it bothers me intensely that i can't bring it to life for my ears to feast on, but then again, i guess that'll just be somewhat like learning to draw; you'll never be able to look at your own works in the same way as you look at those of others. Still, could be fun, since i still do enjoy drawing.

Also, learning how to make glass mosaics would be pretty cool, provided that i have the patience for it. I mean, instead of just having a dull translucent window for light without ruining privacy, why not have a cool mosaic? (the answer to that being that people will be dicks and throw stones at it)

I'd throw a stone with a love note attached to it.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Magic & Mentalism are also good things to learn. Always very fun and good ice breakers. And again very fun haha.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
i would like to learn how to magically deactivate anxiety in myself

oh man dont even remind me. anxiety is so bad for everyday life, especially when you are usually are around very non anxious people. would be pretty great to not have that

barring that, I would love to somehow nurture my art. I started out because my roommate goes to an art school and I guess I do better stuff than squiggly lines and bad stick figures. It just seems like such a fun thing to do, even more so when you can produce something that you like

Although i've been fairly lucky in terms of being around non-anxious people, in that i've been met with a lot of support. I get that many of the things that get me anxious would not faze a "normal" person in the slightest, and that it may seem weird to them that i can't just say "ayup" and do the thing, but alas, it is not by choice that i feel like this. :<

As for nurturing your arting skills, we can totally help each other out if you want to. I need something to do that isn't gaming anyways, because it's ruining my arms at the tender age of 24. :v

Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
I'd throw a stone with a love note attached to it.

... is it at least a cool stone?

i will never forgive you if it's a boring stone
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
i'd love to learn how to program
and roll a pretty nice j
i suck at rolling

Start with tobacco and it will become waaaay easier