Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
A player who actively makes replays for 2 years but sucks shows that they clearly are unable to learn.
Someone who makes replays in a short period of time and has amazing replays has the ability to learn new things easily.

so according to you prodigy>hard work?
oh yeah
I think that hard work and constant training has a better result then just being a prodigy. If you work hard you can always become better and better. c:
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
so according to you prodigy>hard work?

Not at all.
prodigy=more time to learn
I would have thought prodigy meant that they are already amazing, or very close to amazing, in the skill, sort of like a matural talent for it. I still like the idea of people workin hard to become good replay makers, this way they can always keep learning the more they produce replays.
I learnt something new :>
Either way, a prodigy would deserve to get into ORMO if they're good, and I assume that would be the case.

Pretty much what I'm saying is, the longer you play, the more time you have to learn everything.
Normally the longer you do something, the better you are at it.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
I learnt something new :>
Either way, a prodigy would deserve to get into ORMO if they're good, and I assume that would be the case.

Pretty much what I'm saying is, the longer you play, the more time you have to learn everything.
Normally the longer you do something, the better you are at it.

I still don't understand why that's relevant to OP.
I came here to laugh at you
Props on having too many people meeting the standards, but the game is evolving, time for people to realise that.

Originally Posted by shook View Post
QUESTION NUMBER TWO: If we did raise it, what do we do with YOU, our current members? I'd feel terrible for kicking people and telling them to reapply out of the blue, but if the bar was raised retroactively, how many members would we actually have? It doesn't seem wholly fair to the new applicants (which i suppose is QUESTION NUMBER ONE).

dont do anything, inactivity is a bitch, the herd will cull itself.
also, you could try finding ways to inspire your current members to improve.

could also take the mean guy approach and manually cull the herd, which lets people know youre serious about making a change.

your best bet would be to put a list together of people who are on the "to cull" list and let them know they need to pick their game up ASAP, give them a chance to show that theyr worth keeping, and if they dont meet the expected standard, let them go.

introduce secondary org that caters to those who are good, but not good enough. ORMO juniors or something.

Originally Posted by shook View Post
QUESTION NUMBER THREE: What do you think ORMO's purpose is? Is it just for merits and e-peens, or do we have some other grand purpose in the scheme of things?

people need a goal, otherwise they stay shit.
it has the same purpose and effect that GATA and TTM have had on the community.
being affiliated with ormo, is being recognised, knowing that your work is somewhat appreciated.
it inspires people to improve.

Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
In the past we used to host ORMO comps, and cover up for the GMs when they neglected big replay-making championships.
Now, the people who used to do that grew up and got busy and we're failing to do that job. That's an issue that, in my opinion, deserves a lot more attention.

The new gen needs to play ball, GATA has had similar issues, not enough new blood thats willing to put in the time to make events worth our time.
TC and enthusiasm isnt enough of an incentive anymore.

edit: oops, thought this was in discussion for some reason
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
That's totally fine Ben, i put that note in the bottom of the OP for a reason. :U

Anyways, thanks for all the input, guys! Just to sum things up so far, the vibes i'm getting is that it'd generally be okay to raise the bar, but not TOO much.

It's not quite as conclusive about the current members, but what i'm gathering is that we should probably not kick people outright, but give them a wink wink nudge nudge about getting their butts into gear.

Regarding ORMO's purpose, it still seems we're around for inspiration, which is great!

And now i'm hella tired, so i shall keep an eye on this thread and keep gathering info for a possible course of action.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Well I always thought the bar was too low from when I first joined which is why I am a little harsher on the applicants than most people.

I think that the bar should be raised a rather small amount, or maybe get the vote of 2 recruiters instead of one to make sure.

*but many recruiters (myself included) find reviewing replays a bit tedious so that may be a problem.
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