Endurance Onslaught 6.0
In-game tutorial would be best. I doubt beginners are going to spend time looking for a tutorial on the web.
I can write up explanations of basic momentum principles, what each joint will do to your movement, best ways to damage uke,stuff like that.
Teaching basic moves the way they did in the tutorial but going into more depth about why everything happened could be a part of a more advanced tut for players who understand the basics.
Last edited by Dscigs; Jun 14, 2013 at 09:53 AM.
How about we just get them to learn what each joint does for every movement in the tutorial,then show some replays from the replay,get them to do it?
Bye bye toribash
Imitating a move already lined out for you is not a very good way to learn. All you learn is that, oh if I do exactly this I can get exactly what somebody told me to do.

Comprehensive explanation of the tori's body and how the joints interact with each other truly teaches you how to move effectively. And it doesn't even need to be complex. Simple stuff like the lumbar's movement during a kick can result in significant changes to where the point of contact is.

What you need to teach is not what everything does specifically, but the fact that every joint is important to the whole. They can learn what everything does on their own time through trial and error. What they need to be aware of though is that what everything does, only does that because the rest of the joints are moving in the right way to make that happen.

Basically, you can focus extensively on the legs during a kick, and you will accomplish very little with that kick. Bring the rest of the body into the equation, and that kick can become something out of this world. Simple replays to prove it would be the basic extend hip, contract other hip, contract knee kick, followed by a rotated chest kick, followed by a fully-developed kick.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I'd rather outline the basic concept of punching/kicking from the start.
And maybe something like providing a rather straight forward opener and have you finsih the tutorial by dming an certain part.

Tutorials shouldn't be long. Otherwise they get stupid.

What else I don't understand. Move tutorials on the forum seem to be frowned up to. Why? Someone should create a series of neat 10tf replays which people can recreate and understand the concept of moving from there.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
What else I don't understand. Move tutorials on the forum seem to be frowned up to. Why? Someone should create a series of neat 10tf replays which people can recreate and understand the concept of moving from there.


why the hell is it not allowed to post tutorials on moves? it would increase their understanding of what things do and whatelse for sure, just by watching what happens when they move x joint. also it would also make them more excited for playing the game when they recreated a nice move, even if it's not theirs. i remember feeling badass as hell when i recreated extremerun's helicopter kick from a youtube tutorial.
oh yeah
I guess it matters on the complexity of the move. If you give simple moves that are functional examples of certain concepts, then it can teach. If you make it too complex, it requires more effort to understand what makes that move work than practical.

Simple snap kick shows the importance of the use of rotation of chest. Simple sweep kick shows more complex uses of the floor to build momentum. Basically, like Nut said, 10tf moves are simple so it's more obvious what's causing the move to work. I have no problem with them. It's the no information tutorials that are available right now that show something that doesn't work. Just holding all and extending the knee to get a decap after all the difficult, relatively speaking, parts are done teaches absolutely nothing.

And I feel like there should be a separation of multiplayer and singleplayer tutorials. While some skills overlap, some are exclusive. Micromanaging in 1tf is something only possible in single player, while quick effective moves are dominant in multiplayer.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
you finish the tutorial by dming an certain part.

The problem with this is that they probably won't be good enough to do any dms fresh out of the tutorial, they would probably be pissed at falling on the floor for the past 45 minutes and delete the game in a fit of rage.

I was thinking something like a tutorial section in-game, where there would be mini-tutorials showing the basics on how to strike, run, building speed, etc. (pretty sure we have this on the forums somewhere, so we could copy and paste that, and put visuals with the toris.)

But I do suggest bringing back the move tutorials on the forums, I used to use the tori-wiki a lot to look at the moves and how they used each body part, but now that it's gone, new comers are confined to random youtube videos when there would be things so much better.
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Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
I was thinking something like a tutorial section in-game, where there would be mini-tutorials showing the basics on how to strike, run, building speed, etc.

This actually seems like one of the best suggestions so far.
We give them many easily achievable mini-tutorials, that teach them and give the sense of easy accomplishment the game lacks.
For these series of tutorials we can also add up the increasing complexity that Oracle mentioned.
This way we also avoid the big, tiresome tutorial Nut frowned upon.

Answering nblx about the format: I was thinking of something that would replace the current Fight School button on the game's menu, so it would be designed to be played ingame.

Sidenote: Thanks for hopping in, nblx, and I might as well say that help from outside of ORMO is appreciated.
Last edited by Oblivion; Jun 24, 2013 at 07:04 PM.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
are you guys talking about, just joint movement? Or will you also teach simple moves?
Tutorial Project
I'm not a part of ormo yet but why not just make a link in game, like the torishop to 1 entire sub forum just for move tutorials?

The tutorial ingame would show the basics, what you're talking about but then there could be a CLICK HERE TO FIND MORE MOVES! Button at the end of the tutorial.