Originally Posted by Vezere View Post
I'm going to be very honest here.
The first one was the best. The recolors were crap.
Firstly, the recolors look like they have high contrast and a bit of flatness to them. I liked the first because you could see the shine.

Secondly, it looks like you spammed the image with brushes. I can barely read the words because the brushes overlaps in some parts.

I give it a 6/10, good try.

hmm, ur opinion ofc.

but i gotta add: not brushes, mostly C4D's and effektstocks.
recolors just deleted some of the unnecessary effects which made the 1st one overloaded.
And u actually can read the words, if not i'd wonder. It's supposed to be overlapped by some effects.
too messy. I like the text though. I don't really like render sigs, but it looks like you just filter and c4d raped it until it was so complicated no one would dare rate it low. :<
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well

I would dare rate that last negative low, that's absolutely horrid :<

The rest aren't dark/creepy enough for the idea, however the art itself (the girl, i could care less about renders :>) is great. Love the style, hate the add ons.

8/10 for all recolors and original

2/10 for the negative
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Id have to give this a 9/10
I really preferred the re-coloring of your art
however you need to make it a bit more appealing to me if you want to get my 10/10
anyways good work with this art, keep it up
Ive seen better sigs from you.

These are so crowded with "glass splitters" and just colors, it looks messy. Last one is waaay to bright.

I wish you good luck with other sigs.