Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Well those colors are horrible. Try make it black, then make it shine with some white brush work.

you know, it really amazes me how i can repeat something time and time again, and PEOPLE FAIL TO COMPREHEND WHAT I SAYS. i wanted the colors of my spider to be tropical/fantastic(also known as odd/unreal/ludicrous). black+white no equal tropical babeh'.

p.s-@nogginbash - thanks i'll add that in
Last edited by mikotaku; Jun 24, 2009 at 06:24 PM.
I love you
Well tropical, should be 3 colors. To make it bit more round, try adding tints and tones of the colors, for example, darken the colors a bit around the edges, and maybe a shine spot or two around the center.
Its a good sketch it just depends on what kind of spider it is..then once you choose what kind it is then reserch it on the internet and find out what colour it really is (IRL) and there ya go.
<Uke> OMG Newt...Guess what!
<Uke> Our Characters dont have penis's <Newt> OSHI---
Originally Posted by RLBank View Post
Well tropical, should be 3 colors. To make it bit more round, try adding tints and tones of the colors, for example, darken the colors a bit around the edges, and maybe a shine spot or two around the center.

thanks. i'll get around to it when i get around to it. not so crazy about the three colors- im trying to keep this simple
Originally Posted by newt385 View Post
Its a good sketch it just depends on what kind of spider it is..then once you choose what kind it is then reserch it on the internet and find out what colour it really is (IRL) and there ya go.

Last edited by mikotaku; Jun 24, 2009 at 08:07 PM.
I love you
red n yelow ws best colors but the other patterns ws good 2, combine it? n put shadow on the ground 3D style ?

good work man!!
[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Originally Posted by hazelbud View Post
red n yelow ws best colors but the other patterns ws good 2, combine it? n put shadow on the ground 3D style ?

good work man!!

i could do that but i'm too lazy
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