Damehman i need a new signatur? and avater should be my head my friend almost are finish making i think. in the signatur i want it to be like yours poke, i want it to be red black and white, and there should stand [wHo]Chill in it
I'd like to buy a head.
Have it be dark grey with purple lightning on it and bright red eyes.
I have plenty to pay so that's not an object.
head and signature
i have 2 things i would like
1:can u make a white tiger head with my name on the back
2:a signature with a tiger made of lightning jumping across bellow my name and a saying that says quick and swift?

heloo i know this is a bump but could i have a animated avatar useing this head .tga in the anim i want my head face forward head banging kthxbai
Alright Ravenger, I'm on it. Also, due to clan related stuff, Arkane members will no longer get a 25% discount. This has been changed to SyN members. That is all.
Last edited by DaMehMan; Aug 16, 2007 at 02:50 AM. Reason: Typos are teh sux LOLZORZ!!11!1!11!1!one!