Original Post
The Great [Blood] Logo Event
Blood Logo Event

So, I'm Hopea, a leader of the clan Blood. We just got official today.
So, I'm here to announce an event or maybe a competition.
We need a logo. So this an/a event/competition is about making us one.
What we want to see? Well, the word Blood ofc.
Blood, (I like vampire as a blood color).
Anything else? Up to you.


We will ask the clan members for their opinions, but Toni and I are the main judges.

The Prize

The most interesting part eh? The winner gets 50k tc (=50 000 tc) and his/her name in our Friends List.

Other Information and Rules.

Anyone is free to take part in this event.
If you are in the Black List, this is the perfect opportunity to get out of there.
This thread might (and propably will) get updated.

End date!

The end date has been chosen. It is the 14th of September (year 2009 ofc). 12.00.00 GMT.
Last edited by Hopea; Sep 6, 2009 at 07:04 PM.
Clan Blood Leader

Is it too small?
MORALITY: A traditional code of decency that went out the window about the same time as belief in eternal damnation.
I'm not sure if this is what you want... But I took a hack at it, and this is what I got. I couldn't decide between the two that I had created.
P.S. The little render in the middle is a skull.
First One:

Second One:
Quick question, do you have a rough size estimate on how big you want it?
If you have any prefrences, please PM me
also if it wasn't obvious I'm going to try this
Originally Posted by Chickenpox View Post
Quick question, do you have a rough size estimate on how big you want it?
If you have any prefrences, please PM me
also if it wasn't obvious I'm going to try this

I'm not going to PM anyone to avoid giving anyone any advantage over others. The size is about that of an usual banner... Or thats what I thought, you can get wild with that too. Really the only real requirements are stated in the first post.
crazylars, that is too huge, we wanna actually use it somewhere. And I really don't think a giant drop of blood and some text is gonna make it.
Frost-Dragon, I like that, but there is maybe too much background showing and also I can't see the word Blood anywhere.
5n1p3r, no offense but this looks like something you made in 5 minutes.
guitarookid, Well, it's well made whatever it is, I kinda dislike the whole consept.

Protip for those that actually read comments: I like blood splatters, and as I told before, vampire is my favourite color for blood.

E2: Thanks for all congrats.
Last edited by Hopea; Sep 4, 2009 at 08:42 AM.
Clan Blood Leader
I like guitarookid's logo the most, it has creepiness in it. Background looks like a floor where has happened huge bloody accident, and otherwise it has insaneness in it.
But still, it's not what I was waiting for.

Also, holy shit guitarookid, haven't seen you in ages! :o

And again, thanks for the congratulations! We really appreciate it.

I think we should keep this going until we can find the right one...
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I think we should keep this going until we can find the right one...

Agreed. Adding to first post.
Clan Blood Leader