Original Post
Band Artwork (70K in prizes)
Ok, the idea for this event is you must make album artwork, and a poster advertising a gig for an imaginary band. Pick a name and genre of music for your band and make this obvious in your artwork.

The rules are, pretty simple.
You can't edit existing album covers from other/real bands.
No copying other users band ideas.
The maximum size for both entries is 800x800 pixels.

The entries will be judged on the following.
Artistic skill.
How obvious the music genre is from the artwork, e.g. punk genre would have a kind of punk theme to it.

The prize for this event is 50K for first place. and 20K for second place.

Only one entry per-person as this requires two parts.

2nd of October, is the deadline.

Event is finished. Congradulations Bes 1st place and Mrama 2nd place.

Last edited by Fee; Oct 4, 2009 at 11:50 PM.
My album artwork for a band called Hatefist and their first album called hatefist. 2 stock images used and some brushing and filters.

Poster will be done soon.
Originally Posted by Dirtnapp View Post
Is it Ok to post Existing Artists Cause i made this for a bebo skin.. is it sufficiant?

thats the exact picture used in his album cover... you just did minor effects bro..
Hi it's Praeter
I sort of started a 'CD cover' for a band called Silverstein a while ago - If I finished it could it count as an entry, or is that a no-no since it's actually a band?

It's a fairly large image so I'll just throw a link up:

I know it needs touching up, plus the fact that it's not actually an album persay, but just the band's name..
If you haven't taken a previous album, and edited it. Its aloud. I have also ended an end date. One week from today, so get the rest of your artwork in.